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Thread: keyword spy tool

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    keyword spy tool


    What is a good free keyword spy tool so i can get some keywords from competitor websites?

    Also what is the correct way to enter keywords on flynax seo, do i seperate them with a "," or put each word or phrase on a new line?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Kiowa, that on the surface is a hard question to answer given the outcome you may be looking for?

    1. for the spy tool of sorts look up the chrome tool called mozbar it is free, you need to join Moz to use it but there is no cost, this will allow you to look at the SEO side of a page of sorts and give you some clues.


    Page Title
    Boats for Sale in Australia - boatsales.com.au

    Meta Description
    View our full range of Boats online at boatsales.com.au

    Meta Keywords
    Not found

    11,431 Boats for Sale in Australia

    Take your saved boats wherever you go • Compare

    Featured carsales.com Limited 1999-2021 - You can see above boatsales has keywords blank

    2 when you say enter keywords into flynax? exactly where did mean? In the listings page where it says keywords? if so I do not even bother using that as giggle stopped looking at that a long time ago.

    3 (this is where it gets tricky) as for competitor keywords did you mean in the category sections of the website (I am guessing your competitors are other classified sites) if so what they have is not really going to of real importance to you if you are starting out.

    The reason for this is you will need to research 2 main things 1. the amount of completion for that keyword phrase and 2. how strong that competition is.

    The reason for this is that just because website A ranks for > this keyword phrase < does not mean you will, some of these players run deep and would have a high DA & PA and it would be like like trying to fight a Lion with the body of a Mouse per see.

    For my call (or view point) would be to deep dive into studying keyword phrases that you could possibly rank for and then from there study the strength of that competition.

    and for all of that I would add related articles to your site over and above trying to just rank a category with a one shot approach (just my view) but I will have a guess that most of those big players have blog posts or articles on their sites.

    You can see here in boatsales > https://www.boatsales.com.au/editorial/



    That was from the top 3 listings

    The good news is flynax can be easily converted to run articles (Very easily)

    In addition these posts can sit right inside existing categories and live there among the classifieds.

    Why this way if your seeking SEO is simple, you can explore hundreds if not thousands of keyword phrases you could rank for and to bring in traffic.

    The best way to describe this is this (I Hope) is lets say I write an article about ( a plain guess) how to repair the sail on your boattype? or something like that and it brings in people to read the article/ traffic. Well I bet that one day that person will either want to sell or buy a boat and he will already have started to build trust with your brand over and would use your site. They would probably also tell others about your site as well and the list goes on.

    So not only will it nurture future customers it will also bring traffic. Imagine a series of articles > "what are the 5 common mistakes when buying a dingy", "what is the best beginner sailboat to buy for children" the list of options is endless and you can also check to see if you meet the requirements of 1. how much competition for this keyword phrase and 2. how strong is it?

    To learn more about what to look for here is a guide (not by me) that gives you a heads up >


    Further to that the above is a topic I go deep into in that I have spent several years developing a automated system to give me the answers I am looking for, I am also have been testing this on my site and have also recently rewritten the programme I have written to predict what keyword phrases you should be able to rank on page 1 for.

    I really do not post about it much here because I just want to quietly create a site that makes money (my next goal after the first guide)

    Here are some of my reviews for my work

    Really pleased with the quality of the delivery and some hidden gems in the keywords unearthed. Thank you

    Pete delivered far more than I hoped for with this gig. If you are right at the beginning of your SEO journey and trying to figure out how you're going to get Google to rank the various pages on your website - THIS IS THE GIG TO GET. STAT! I guarantee you will be blown away with what Pete delivers to you. You're not just getting a list of keywords that meet the strict KGR criteria, it's more than that. A lot of expertise and attention has gone into this spreadsheet - something that has not just been churned out by some software. And that's why I'm writing the longest review I've ever written in 15 years of hiring outsourcers. FWIW, this gig has my highest recommendation. A+++++++++

    Perfect work thank you! Will hire again

    /\ I put that there not to get work as I no longer of my services publicly but just to show I am not some old rambling person.

    Hope some of that helps and if you have any further questions please yell out and I am happy to help you.

    Last edited by Pete Young; June 21, 2021 at 03:23 AM.
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

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