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Thread: CRITICAL PLAN BUG: incorrect calculation and featured status removed if renew regular

  1. #1

    CRITICAL PLAN BUG: incorrect calculation and featured status removed if renew regular

    So here I am again with the same bug. This time I'm pushing it further for a fix since it's been 2 years already.
    Bugs on all versions from 4.6.2 to 4.8.1

    Who will get effect by this bugs:
    1. If you offer listing plan with different duration. For example: a plan with 3 days active and another plan with 5 days active.
    2. If you offer a featured plan.
    Here is the video of me demonstrate the bugs 1 and 2 said above on Flynax Demo 4.8.1. Please watch it

    Here is the break down of problem 1 from Video above. User renew their listing with different duration plans.

    Step 1. Apply plan: 3-day
    15 Jan

    Step 2. Apply plan: 5-day
    22 Jan - Incorrect. Should be 20 Jan ( 15 + 5 = 20 )

    Step 3. Apply plan: 5-day again
    27 Jan - Correct.

    Step 4. Apply plan: 5-day again
    1 Feb - Correct.

    Step 5. Apply plan: 5-day again
    6 Feb - Correct.

    Step 6. Apply plan: 3-day
    7 Feb - Incorrect. Should be 9 Feb. ( 6 + 3 = 9 )

    Step 7. Apply plan: 3-day again
    10 Feb - Correct.

    Step 8. Apply plan: 5-day
    17 Feb - Incorrect. Should be 15 Feb ( 10 + 5 = 15 )

    Step 9. Apply plan: 3-day
    18 Feb - Incorrect. Should be 20 Feb ( 17 + 3 = 20 )
    Conclusion: As you can see, if you renew listing with the same plan, same duration, whether it's a 3-day plan or 5-day plan. Everything works OK, the math add correctly.

    PROBLEM when you renew listing from 3-day to 5-day or vise versa.
    From what I observe: if your current plan is less than the plan you renew to: 3-day -> 5-day: Flynax add to your active day both 3 and 5 day, rather than just 5. See step 2 and 8.
    If your current plan is more than the plan you renew to: 5-day -> 3-day: Flynax subtract your active day rather than adding them. See step 6 and 9.

    Suggest solution:
    I'm not sure how Flynax implement their algorithm in the script, but for such issue. All I can think is the simplest way. When a user renew a plan, just plainly add extra day from what ever that plan duration have. If you currently have 5 days left for listing active time, and you renew with a 10 days, 30 days, 60 days, whatever days, just add those day on top of the current 5 days.

    Continue in the Video

    Step 10: Upgrade to Featured
    Works OK

    Step 11: Apply plan: 3-day
    Paid featured status is removed. NOT OK.
    Here we have 2 problems.
    1. Upgrade to featured do not add days to active day. If your listing expired tomorrow, and you upgraded your listing to a 5 days featured today. Your listing still expired tomorrow.
    2. So what will you do? You renew the listing with the regular plan, right? Guess what, after renew, your featured status is removed.

    Suggest solution:
    1. Add extra active day when user upgrade to featured. For example, user have 2 days to be expired, he add 5 days featured then his listing will active for the next 7 days ( 5 days featured + 2 days regular)
    2. Do not remove feature status when user renew their listing with regular plan. May be add separate counter for featured active time, and separate counter for regular active time?

    I reported this very same bug in August 10, 2018. You can view it here:
    This was when we had version 4.6.2
    I then came back every time we have new version and tell Flynax the bug still not fixed: 4.7, 4.7.2, 4.8.
    This post is for version 4.8.1

    It took me a huge amount of time to do all this over and over over the past two years. All I sincerely asked is your serious considerations and thoughts.

    For a classified script that the main function is to offer listing plan, you would think this listing plan bug is the top priority. I hope Flynax will take it seriously this time and response to me and every customers promptly.
    Last edited by Wei Hong; October 13, 2020 at 04:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Lets hope this is sorted this time for you. + they post the fixes here for those who want to update before the next version.
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  3. #3
    You definately should be getting paid to do Flynax's job.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Young View Post
    Lets hope this is sorted this time for you. + they post the fixes here for those who want to update before the next version.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Can View Post
    You definately should be getting paid to do Flynax's job.
    Thank you two very much Pete and Joe. Your words make me feel a lot better. I really appreciate it.
    Hopefully this will get fix this time, it benefits not only Flynax but also us as customers for having a good working script.

  5. #5


    Any official response?

    At least let us know if you plan not to resolve this issue.

  6. #6
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Hello guys,

    We've discussed the issues with plans logic in a meeting

    and postponed it for some time

    as there are some uncertainties of its implementation

    We'll get back to it later when we have more time

    but we can't tell you the exact time frames


  7. #7
    At the very least state the critical error and your intension to fix the issue sometime in the future in your advertising materials so not to mislead consumers.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post
    Hello guys,

    We've discussed the issues with plans logic in a meeting

    and postponed it for some time

    as there are some uncertainties of its implementation

    We'll get back to it later when we have more time

    but we can't tell you the exact time frames

    I was about to bump this thread.
    Others might think differently. But I think for a classified ads scripts, listing plan bug is extremely crucial and should be the top priority.
    When I first raised the issue in 2018, Flynax said it will be fixed in support ticket.
    At this point, I don't know what to say. I hope it would not take another 2 years to fix it.
    Please lets us know the uncertainties, we might be able to help. Is there any problem with my suggest solutions?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Can View Post
    Any official response?

    At least let us know if you plan not to resolve this issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Can View Post
    At the very least state the critical error and your intension to fix the issue sometime in the future in your advertising materials so not to mislead consumers.
    Thank you for following up with me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Wei Hong View Post
    I was about to bump this thread.
    Others might think differently. But I think for a classified ads scripts, listing plan bug is extremely crucial and should be the top priority.
    When I first raised the issue in 2018, Flynax said it will be fixed in support ticket.
    At this point, I don't know what to say. I hope it would not take another 2 years to fix it.
    Please lets us know the uncertainties, we might be able to help. Is there any problem with my suggest solutions?
    It is a critical fix that needs looking into, I am not sure what more logic is required other than what you have pointed out, if flynax went to the shop to buy a loaf of bread and after purchase only found 3/4 of a loaf ? there would be questions asked.

    It simply is the maths is not adding up, and you have explained what, when where and why.

    I do not think there can be many people who really push flynax out to getting a site up and running and wanting to charge customers so it then does not become a priority ? I might be wrong.

    I was and still happy to look at the maths but still do not know what part calculates the sums / does the maths on this, otherwise I would probably be able to see and fix it for you. I have asked but no response on it.

    So yes it needs to be fixed as a priority. (Just my view) but I am 100% sure flynax will fix it as thier support is / has been top level in all areas.
    Last edited by Pete Young; October 13, 2020 at 09:38 AM.
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

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