Quote Originally Posted by Wei Hong View Post
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply. I think you are slightly misunderstood. This is about stacking up problem
We all agree that renew should add the listing period on top of the renew date. For example: We renew a listing that used a 10-day period plan on 12/01/2013, then the expire date should be 12/11/2013. Afterward on the following date which is 12/02/2012, we renew it again with the same listing and same plan, the expire date should be 12/12/2013, but it doesn't. It stack up the date, so the expire date is 12/21/2013 while it should be 12/12/2013. And if you keep doing this, it stack up everytime you hit the renew button. So if you hit renew again on the same date 12/02/2013, the expire date would be 12/22/2013, hit renew again and it will goes up 10days from 12/22/2013.
Hope I explained clear enough. This is basically the same issue that i have explained in my 1st post, but I guess it is too complicated to understand

[QUOTE=Mike F.;7920]
1. Open the file: /includes/classes/rlListings.class.php
2. Find the code (line ~2775):
PHP Code:
Only registered members can view the code
3. Replace with the code:
PHP Code:
Only registered members can view the code

This code made it work