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Thread: Google rank and flynax seo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Google rank and flynax seo

    With all the SEO features in the flynax script, why is it so hard to rank atleast a bit better than other sites?
    It seems that no matter what you do the ranking does not seem to get any better over time.

    Am i the only one having this problem?
    If so what can i do to rank better on google.
    It seems to me that google algorithm does not do well with flynax? Or am i wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    I have already noticed that for some reason it is very difficult to achieve better rankings.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    I do not see flynax as such as the problem in its entirety, Many new sites now take a long while to merge from the giggle sandbox per se, and that is one that writes well crafted and dedicated posts targeted to a keyword phrase or combination phrases.

    So time plays a big part and expecting anything new to take hold like "the good old days" is probably not going to happen. Next, you dealing with an ever-changing landscape in ads coming and going, a lot different from adding content to a blog or website.

    Add to that many people placing ads have zero ideas about how to write an SEO effective ad.

    With that your batting against the wind if you are trying to compete with some of the longer-term players, so you may just need to outsmart them and stay in the game longer in some ways.

    First make sure all of your onsite SEO options are set up and working as they should, then.

    There is one trick that can help increase and or should help increase your SEO if you are not using it and that is the tags option, as these record in / show up in search as well, but here you can manufacture the results and or keyword phrases that you would would like to rank more for.

    First? I do not know as an example from my head, I think from memory Kiowa has a site selling boats? if so I would spend some time on keywords such as boats for sale, boats for sale Sydney wanted to buy boats etc etc

    I would mine for as many keywords as I could find. Then I would examine those keywords and see which ones that I could rank for easily than manually add those keywords to my tags along with a meta description.

    Then if done right these should pop up in search as more of a regular thing over and above transient posts that come and go.

    I would rename tags because it looks horrible in search results to something like popular searches or searches or similar if you dome very small test before you run wild with it so that everything looks and works properly that would be best

    Once you have you could literally add hundreds of keyword phrases that you could rank for and by this, just drip feed them in, the only drawback is that because it works of the search you will need to go into tags every now and then and clear the random searches back out.

    If you are wanting to learn what keywords you have the possibility to rank for try this guide as just one example way > https://nichesiteproject.com/keyword-golden-ratio/

    Next, if you are just waiting on organic traffic there is a chance that you will be old and grey before you see any light at the end of the tunnel, I would auto push posts to twitter and Facebook as well, to give your site more exposure and to help bring in customers.

    You can up the ante by running a likes campaign to your Facebook page so that you grow your audience and more and more people see your posts and come to your site, telling giggle that you are getting busier.

    Lastly, you can run a retargeting campaign to push visitors back to your site and or to encourage them to make a listing with a special offer, you would cut this ad for example if they have visited the registration page or similar.

    With that simple little trick, I was able to push up to 1000 people in 24 hours just to one ad and when I shut down my ads site I had 3,500 people following me. (back up over 2,000 now with my new site).

    So there are lots of things you can do that will help but expect it to be a bit of a slog in the beginning but if you plug away it will start to come together.

    *** BIG Disclaimer, before anyone comes out the woodwork telling me again that I know nothing about SEO as has happened before, guess what I do not claim to be an expert and I am just stating what has worked for me and still does, so if your the expert, please enlighten us to your wisdom.

    Lastly, this I wrote may years ago and in some form, I still use it today, but you would use the title and meta description part to write your tags with. Hope it helps in some way and all the best with your sites. Please note some of the suggested char lengths have changed and will always with giggles whim of the day. Feel free to copy paste it to your sites and edit as you wish if you want.

    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    At mysite.com it is our goal to help you get the most from your classified listings by making sure our focus is about bringing you more customers, to do that we spend many hours with the best information available to us, in research, development and marketing to ensure that we offer you a smarter, more effective classifieds site that is both easy to use and rewards you with better results for your efforts.

    Even with all of the best work and intentions in the world, there are still a few things that you can do that will further enhance your results, and the following is a collection of hints & tips that will help you create more effective classifieds listings.

    - - -

    Your Title is one of the most important parts of your ad, it plays a big part attracting attention and in any search results both onsite and in the search engines, and brings together many key components, your heading must grab a readers attention, contain a related keyword phrase, it must in some way target the desired audience, and be irresistible, now that sounds like a lot to cram into a small headline that is only 70 chars long, but can be done with a little thought.

    Start with your main keyword phrase as the basis to writing your ad, this in most cases is an exact wording to best describe your product and or service, and then by adding the other key components you can craft your title, for example lets look at a record that you may have for sale.

    Starting with the record title as our keyword phrase we have > Baby Please Don't Go

    You can now add a target, and in this case we can use the bands name that will allow us to target to those people who are exactly looking for this band > Baby Please Don't Go by ACDC

    We can follow that with an irresistible componet by stating it’s an original pressing > Please Don't Go by ACDC Original 1975 Australian Pressing

    Lastly we can get some attention by adding a preface to the title by adding the words Rare Copy of resulting in > Rare Copy of Baby Please Don't Go by ACDC Original 1975 Australian Pressing

    With the total length now 75 chars, your draft title just needs a small edit to get it to fit into the max 70 chars as required. To do that we can shorten the word Australia and add a pipe resulting in > Rare Copy of Baby Please Don't Go by ACDC | Original 1975 Aus Pressing

    The finished result covers all 4 keys components that go into making up a good headline. You will find that sometimes it is not possible to make this happen, and there is no golden rule that says you need to use all 4 key components, and as seen above there is no real set order they need to be used in, but where you can, use as many components as possible for the best result.

    The reason why we use 70 chars is because current display length for titles in most search engines are around this size.

    - - -

    Your Description is not officially used by search engines but it does play a vital role in your click through / open response rate and can best described as your ad, a boring, sloppy description will result in fewer people clicking through to your ad both onsite and in the search engines.

    There are no golden rules when creating your description, but where possible, in your description use similar wording, as used in your title, these words do not need to be in the same order or in full but to be there in general. This will help you reader and search engines connect from the title to the description and where possible you want to give the reader a reason to after reading your description, to feel compelled to click through to view your product and or service.

    Using the title as inspiration we can start with that as a base for our description > Rare Copy of Baby Please Don't Go by ACDC | Original 1975 Aus Pressing

    Then by adding some, what can be best described as compelling words you can work around the title to give the following > New to our collection of records, we have a hard to find 7" single Original 1975 Pressing of ACDC's Baby Please Don't Go produced by Vanda & Young on the Albert Productions label in excellent condition.

    You can see that we have mixed in the wording from the title with some other compelling words to make the description stand out, by blending in the words New, Hard to find, and excellent condition to give the final result.

    With a total length of 210 chars you want make sure you can use as much of that room as possible.

    - - -

    The Details section can be best described as the, who, what, where, when, and or how section of your post.

    Here you can go into more details about your product if you wish and it also going to be important in your search and social media results as well on which we will cover shortly.

    One thing you can do here is use what is termed similar search results as found in the search engines and in this example when we type in Please Don't Go by ACDC | Original 1975 Aus Pressing to the search engines down the bottom the first similar search found was

    Searches related to Please Don't Go by ACDC | Original 1975 Aus Pressing

    ac dc high voltage australian vinyl

    taking that similar search result we were able to re word that to > From the ACDC high voltage Australian album.

    We then if we were to use a term, took inspiration from information found online and placed that information into our own words resulting in > From the ACDC high voltage Australian album, Baby Please Don't Go was AC/DC's only single release of a cover, all of their later singles were originals. They made it their own, though, with a faster tempo, twin lead guitar machine-gun style riffs and a build-up borrowed from Deep Purple's Child in Time, One could say it is also Angus Young's tribute to Jimmy Page, his idol and all punctuated by Bon Scott's distinctive moaning and wailing.

    What ever you do it is highly recommended that you DO NOT copy other peoples work, at best write from your own heart and experience and or as inspired from your learning’s, but NEVER copy n paste.

    - - -

    In the Additional Information section enter in any faults scratches dings or dents so that full disclosure is given to the product along with any other relevant information required. In this case we will add > Vinyl is in excellent condition other than a couple of faint hairlines. Labels have no spindle marks so this record has rarely been played.

    - - -

    Preparing Your Images, For those who are just quickly adding one or two listings and or if you are listing a full inventory of 100's of items, the following tips are not necessary or required. NB At least one image is required with each listing.

    However if you want to increase your listing open rate to a higher level, leading to increased sales and or exposure to your products and or services then there are a few simple steps that you can do to ensure your listings receive more than their fair share of attention and it all revolves around the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words and refers to the notion that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.

    Before adding any listings it is a good idea to create a master folder to keep all of your images in one central location. (My Listing Images) Next in your master folder create sub folders for each listing, naming it after the listing for ease of identification. (My Listing Images / Record - Baby Please Don't Go) Lastly Load all of your selected images to your folder before you add your listing.

    Upload your images to your listing (To save time just load them up all at once by selecting all images) once your images are loaded you can drag n drop to re arrange your images.

    Select each image and choose to edit / crop each picture, cropping out any unwanted and or wasted background. You want the image to pop from the page.

    With each image it is important (where possible) to add some alternate wording that relates to your title, description and details, (by clicking the pencil icon) and in the same way we used similar search to help with our details section we can use it to help with your alt text.

    Using Searches related to Please Don't Go by ACDC | Original 1975 Aus Pressing we see the following examples

    ac dc baby please don't go lyrics
    acdc baby please don't go live
    ac dc baby please don t go other recordings of this song
    ac dc baby please don't go tab
    ac dc baby please don't go live 1976
    aerosmith baby please don't go
    baby please don t go ac dc
    baby please don't go original

    From these related searches we are able to take a few and make some modifications as seen below

    acdc baby please don't go recording
    acdc baby please don't go 1975 record
    baby please don't go acdc label
    baby please don't go original cover

    You can see in addition to modifying the related search that we have also described the picture with words like, record, label and cover which would be placed on those images. This alt text will be seen in your images, as customers view them and are also reflected in our search and in the search engines.

    There is no need to edit the description for all or any of the images as any blank image descriptions take on the title of the listing by default.

    Lastly select which image you wish to be your main display picture.

    - - -

    Your Call to Action do not be afraid to direct people in what action you want them to do next, by having a clear action and or a destination for visitors to take after reading your listing, for example if it is a website link say at the bottom of your listing details, select the link below to purchase online today, or phone this number today etc, what ever the preferred destination, contact details, times etc, make the call to action clear and easy to understand.

    Listing Details +
    Your contact name and number
    Your contact email
    A Shop Now link or Learn More link to your event etc (must lead to your own website / no affiliate links)
    + Contact the owner option.

    In our example we will use > Only one copy available, please use the link below to shop now.

    - - -

    Your Location. Ensure that you have completed as best you can use your location details in each of your ads, as we have connected in the back end search options for both this website and search engines your location to further enhance any local searches for your products and or services.

    When listing events do not select use saved location to allow you to add a different location for that event.

    - - -

    Your Similar Listings. When adding your listings you will see at the bottom, a section that allows for you to connect all of your listings ensuring that the only similar listings that are shown in your listings are yours.

    To do this simply add your login email (for verification purposes) to this field to create a unique ID for all of your listings, Ex. ozepicker@mysite.com then when visitors view your listings they will see only your similar listings.

    By default your similar listing will also sort by category automatically for you, further enhancing and targeting your listings to potential customers.

    You may choose to leave this blank where all similar listings to that category will be displayed.

    - - -
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    The Final Result looking something like below >

    Rare Copy of Baby Please Don't Go by ACDC | Original 1975 Aus Pressing

    New to our collection of records, we have a hard to find 7" single Original 1975 Pressing of ACDC's Baby Please Don't Go produced by Vanda & Young on the Albert Productions label in excellent condition.

    From the ACDC high voltage Australian album, Baby Please Don't Go was AC/DC's only single release of a cover, all of their later singles were originals. They made it their own, though, with a faster tempo, twin lead guitar machine-gun style riffs and a build-up borrowed from Deep Purple's Child in Time, One could say it is also Angus Young's tribute to Jimmy Page, his idol and all punctuated by Bon Scott's distinctive moaning and wailing.

    Only one copy available, please use the link below to shop now.

    Images : images with the following alt tags acdc baby please don't go recording, acdc baby please don't go 1975 record, baby please don't go acdc label, baby please don't go original cover

    Contact : my contact name and or number and or email
    Shop Now : my website link to store product page
    + Your Contact this member option.

    Your Similar Listings

    - - -

    Get Social | after posting your listing (and it has been approved) you will see the social media options in bottom centre of your listing where you can share the listing to your facebook page, giving even further exposure to your listing.

    To do this, select the facebook icon and then select share on a page you manage this will auto complete with your selected primary image, your title and your description.

    At the top you will see a section that allows you to say something about this, this is where you copy and paste your details section of your ad, providing informational value to your readers followed by your direct link to your ad. When finished it should look like the example below.


    From the ACDC high voltage Australian album, Baby Please Don't Go was AC/DC's only single release of a cover, all of their later singles were originals. They made it their own, though, with a faster tempo, twin lead guitar machine-gun style riffs and a build-up borrowed from Deep Purple's Child in Time, One could say it is also Angus Young's tribute to Jimmy Page, his idol and all punctuated by Bon Scott's distinctive moaning and wailing.

    Only one copy available.
    Your Image
    Rare Copy of Baby Please Don't Go by ACDC | Original 1975 Aus Pressing
    New to our collection of records, we have a hard to find 7" single Original 1975 Pressing of ACDC's Baby Please Don't Go produced by Vanda & Young on the Albert Productions label in excellent condition.

    To complete your facebook post select the post to facebook option. In addition to this tryinhere.com has a built in system that shares a set amount of random listings with Facebook followers which may further promote your listing.

    - - -

    In Summary the following short description can be copied to a card and used as check list when placing your listings.

    Title > Attention | Keyword Phrase | Target | Irresistible (70 Chars Max)
    Description > Title (Mixed)| Compelled to click through (210 Chars Max)
    Details > Similar Search Keyword Phrase | Who, What, Where, When, How. (510 Chars Max)
    Additional Information > Full Disclosure and or any required additional Information (210 Chars Max)
    Images > Order | Crop | Modified Similar Search Keyword Phrases + Description
    Call to Action > | Listing Details + | Your contact name, number, email | Your Link
    Your Location > | As Required
    Your Similar Listings > | Add your log in email
    Get Social > | Share | Say Something (Your Listing Details) | Post.

    - - -

    Good House Keeping Always where possible mark your ads as sold (using the dial up option in My Listings as your Best Option) or remove them once completed. If your ad is a time related event, then in your My Listings section, use the auto dial up option to set a future date for deletion which will auto delete the ad after your event date is completed.

    - - -

    Post Your Ad Today!
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    hello pete,

    Thank you for this information, i have printed this post and going to apply this to my site.
    My site has been running for 8 months now and im not seeing results my ranking just stays the same.

  7. #7
    Hello all together!

    Thanks for this interesting thread. I guess, anyone of us is spending a huge amount of time optimizing SEO settings to get better rankings. But beside all that - what about external factors like Backlinks? Wherever you read about Google rankings, backlinks are considered as one of the most important goodies to boost a website up on their scale.

    Whereby many of their criterias remain to be a myth for me anyhow. I checked all my main sites in terms of SEO and keywords with different analyzing tools and achieved better results than my main competitors in direct compare. Nevertheless, with some keywords I can find totally outdated or even empty sites within the Top 10 at Google, while mine is ranking still somewhere behind the mountains

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