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Thread: Question about the new template general modern

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    M. Eikenaar, You need to go into your admin / pages page. there are several ways to order if you want alpha order do this.

    find the home page and number it page order / number 1

    then up top select to sort all pages by alpha order,

    then go down the side / starting at the top / first and put the page order number, with the number 10, then number the second page down number 20 and continue all the way down to the with increments of 10

    when you get to the home page just skip it and continue on until finished , now go back to your site and refresh and all of the bottom pages will be in alpha order, left to right top to bottom.

    if you want to create blocks with title, that could be done by understanding the way they are ordered as above and editing the page position numbers to suit to enable building those blocks, it should work if you have an even amount of options/ links for each vertical being created, if not it get a bit more tricky.
    Last edited by Pete Young; June 2, 2019 at 03:27 PM.
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