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Thread: 4.7.1 Multifield Upgrade Confusion

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    4.7.1 Multifield Upgrade Confusion

    After Upgrading multifield we now have 2 options in content boxes

    Location > {include file='blocks'|cat:$smarty.const.RL_DS|cat:'account _page_location.tpl'}


    Location Filter > {include file=$smarty.const.RL_PLUGINS|cat:"multiField"|cat :$smarty.const.RL_DS|cat:"geo_box.tpl"}

    Now I understand the second one as it used to say My Location ? or similar, but what does the (first one) Location one do ? I can not get anything to show anywhere ?

    EDIT also some clarification /

    it seems like locations as a list is missing ? and also Looks like the settings for number of columns have gone as well ? / but now everything is stuck as it was set before with no way of changing it ? or is there another place we change the number of columns / list etc ?
    Last edited by Pete Young; May 4, 2019 at 01:20 PM.
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