@John, it could be a option for owners/dealers, but I was thinking of an easier one which are for all advertisers, namely when you reduce the price. Could be strike-through on the original price, showing the price under it. Could also be an arrow pointing down. This could happen if the advertiser chooses to lower the price or an option: lower the price with percentage or a sum after X days of advertising or after low views for a period of time down to a bottom price maybe in steps.

So when we are at it, this is a matter of discussion: when you update your listing, maybe because the time is running out, then the listing should be on top again with a new time-stamp, otherwise it will not trigger users to prelong their listings. Today, the listings are in the same place in the cue, if you know what I am talking about. If it is a new payment date, then it will show in recently added but not in New Listings. See the dilemma?

Take a moment to talk about it and I would be glad to here what the users say about this.
