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Thread: Auto Responsive template BETA2

  1. #1
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Auto Responsive template BETA2

    Hi there,
    A few days ago we prepared new auto classifieds script demo with flatty auto responsive template installed.
    If you have time you may play with it and post your feedbacks here, please check the bugs or problems on demo
    before posting your feedbacks here. Thanks!


  2. #2
    this is great. we shoulded had this from the begining to prevent any false reports of bugs due to incompatible version of script.

    as a first remark, you should apply the setting from http://www.flynax.com/forum/showthre...=8803#post8803 becouse the thumbnails looks blured on responsive

  3. #3
    the main featured carousel doesn't have any left right controls - buttons as it should so that the users can skip forward and backward, as we have in red auto for instance

    Last edited by Petrache Nicolae; March 10, 2014 at 05:18 PM.

  4. #4
    carousels should have the ability to stop play on mouse hover. if you set it to 2-3 sec becouse you want to display as many ads as posible, you will have problems without this feature.
    after me, we should have infinite ads as on ebay -home page or http://codecanyon.net/item/draggable...review/3956741 (shown in vertical mode instead of horisontal) or http://codecanyon.net/item/ajax-infi...review/4754634

  5. #5
    if we have just 1 type of listing type, the area marked in photo must be hidden becouse there is nothing to be selected

  6. #6

    If i do not make any mistake, wasn't we told that the number of steps was decreased in this new template? most of us requested 1 page so our request was not considered (even if this was the perfect ocasion to implement this requested feature). beside this, the old bug of a number of steps shown initialy and another once you start the process is still present. we have 3+done wich turns into 5+done.

  7. #7
    now, location....

    i don't know how this works for you, but for me or any user is a nightmare. why?

    5.1.jpg 5.2.jpg5.3.jpg5.4.jpg

    i have selected first of all USE MAP LOCATION -wich worked great. my pc location was found ok
    below, in location area, i selected AMERICAN SAMOA + ALABAMAM.
    below, i selected USE ACCOUNT ADDRESS

    So, by default i was able to select 3 types of locations, totaly different (since the data specified in my account is UNITED STATES, Chicago, 22 W. Washington, 60602. This is so wrong!!!!!!! In the actual listing, i have as location
    Country American Samoa
    States Alabamam
    ZIP code 45.674
    Country United States
    City Chicago
    Address 22 W. Washington

    Now, check how is done in mercador.ro for instance


    Location is as fields, when creating an listing (same as yours). BUT, once you filled those fields just 1 time, the data is stored automatic into your account (image 1). Further, the location/contact data autopopulates all your future listings (as you can see in image 2, unless you specify in your account that you do not wish to use the account address. Olso, when creating any listing, even if the fields are autofiled with your account data, you can still change any of fields.

    PLAIN AND SIMPLE. SO, your solution compares with mercador's solution? unfortunaly not.

    The simplest solution would be to hide automatic Location area if the user activates USE MAP LOCATION since now that area seems to work properly.
    Or if somebody has other sugestions, i would love to hear them, becouse this function can't remain like this. IT'S UNUSABLE AND ADS CONFUSION TO USERS, DRIVING THEM AWAY.

  8. #8
    Attachment 873 This is the image form mercador with autofilled fields

  9. #9
    listing details page

    please compare the width for fields and the width for the values in auto red with the ones from responsive. in responsive, the with for the values is less, making description look for instance as a thin column, especialy in mobile.

    This can be easy fixed in mobile by placing the field name as first line and as second line the value of the field, especialy for description or atributes like Comfort, Safety etc

  10. #10
    another change that i personaly hate.

    you changed the map wich had ability to zoom in and move by scroll into this new one, flat, with 0 controls, unless you click on it and have it opened full screen.
    the old map shoulded work just fine, olso in mobiles where you can zoom in by gestures.

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