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Thread: Upload Pic Failure for Listings

  1. #1

    Upload Pic Failure for Listings

    Some pics do not upload still. This thread is a spin off of the big thread "new install and some questions".

    My php.ini files is set as follows:

    post_max_size = 10MB
    upload_max_filesize = 10MB
    memory_size_limit = 10MB

    But pics under 2mb are failing to upload for listings. Some reason I notice pics with some width. I sent an email with a pic that fails to upload on my site. Email sent my time 6/29.

    That pic is 1.42mb. Will just ignore it or continue to spin while you waiting thinking it will upload. The same pics upload for thumbnails, just not for a listing pic.


  2. #2

    Re: Upload Pic Failure for Listings

    FYI - Someone emailed me using my site to say they have the same problem. And, wondering if I fixed yet. I forwarded the email to your support.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Upload Pic Failure for Listings

    Hello Christina,
    post_max_size = 10MB
    upload_max_filesize = 10MB
    memory_size_limit = 10MB
    10 MB of memory is too low; it is enough to upload the file to the server but not enough
    to handle it: make necessary re-sizes, add watermark and etc.
    You should increase memory_size_limit PHP option to 128MB or more.
    Try to make these changes and get back to me with results.


  4. #4

    Re: Upload Pic Failure for Listings

    I already set them that way....note post above where I stated that...seemed to happen with big files. However, with the cron change and other site changes, seems to have fixed the problem. If it pursues, I will make a comment. Thanks!

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