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Thread: xmlFeeds run import.php from cron/cli

  1. #1

    xmlFeeds run import.php from cron/cli

    Hello team,

    I'm unable to run the xmlFeeds plugin command line utitily (plugins/xmlFeeds/import.php). I wanted to schedule the import in cron to run daily, but it just does not run. I'm running the latest 4.9.2

    This is running from docker. Running the import from the front UI works just fine. The first out of many errors thrown when running from command line are:
    - rlLang.class.php on line 255 errors out because $languages is null
    + $count = count($languages);
    - rlXmlImport.class.php on line 72 errors out because I'm assuming there is no HTML context
    + $reefless->loadClass('Resize');

    Not sure what errors out after these two.

    Is plugins/xmlFeeds/import.php supposed to be able to run from he command line?
    Last edited by Elias Asfaw-kirby; September 24, 2023 at 04:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Make sure that your current php version is 7.4 because the plugin doesn't support v8 yet

    or create a ticket

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