Quote Originally Posted by Olcay Birgun View Post

I see a new user has register
but when i look to the profile
there is no phone number
include in the profile but
it was required on the register

how can the user register without this information ?

i have tested this out on both site website and android to register the way the user did and it says it is require the name and the phone

or can the user delete after the register the phone and name ?

This problem was also last year and it seems the problem still have continued

I have set the option to login or register before you can posting ADS

and all this option are normally requird

Interestingly I have this issue as well. I meant not all but I noticed a few of the users managed to register and activate their accounts without having their phone number input. Yes I have phone number field required. Still have no clue how, I have asked the same question before too