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Thread: How do I create ad categories independent of the ad type?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2022

    Question How do I create ad categories independent of the ad type?


    How do I create ad categories independent of the ad type. Now I have to add several identical categories for each ad type. For example, I need to add the "Transport" category for both the "Purchase" type and the "Sale" type. It's very tiring. If you create the category "Transport" separately for each, then the following situation will arise: The user will search for ads, for example, in the category "Transport" and he will be given ads of only one type - either "sell" or "buy" - as this there are 2 different categories in the database (Transport from "buy" and Transport from "sell").
    Therefore, I need it to be one category and it can be specified in declarations of different types.

    PS. Sorry, I don't know English. translated via google translator.

  2. #2
    I think you would need to build it like the 'condition new / used' like on the auto demo https://auto.demoflynax.com

    You could have one category 'transport' then just add a field with the option of either purchase or sale that the user can select

    - Create a listing field similar to that of the condition field in auto demo site
    So you would create a 'radio button' field then add options of 'purchase' and 'sale'
    Then this option can be selected when users create a listing, they can choose if its to sell or buy

    - Add this field to your 'build listing form' in categories

    - Add this field to the search form

    I hope that's what you mean.
    Last edited by Chris Brown; April 16, 2022 at 08:22 AM.
    New Site: CameraSpecs https://bit.ly/3G4uYA6

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the answer. But this is not an option. Is it possible to select multiple types for a category?

  4. #4
    Just to clarify.

    'Purchase' and 'sale' are Listing types
    'Transport' is Category

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    Last edited by Chris Brown; April 17, 2022 at 07:35 AM.
    New Site: CameraSpecs https://bit.ly/3G4uYA6

    Old Site: MotorAdsUk

  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shavkat View Post
    Thanks for the answer. But this is not an option. Is it possible to select multiple types for a category?
    By default, it's not possible but you can use a crossed-categories option which is set through the listing packages/plans: Monetization > Listing Packages > some package > Edit > Mirroring listings

    By setting some number of mirrored listings you allow a user to select additional categories for his listing from different listing types and this listing will appear on these category pages

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2022
    Yes everything is correct.

    I want the category selection to be independent of the type selection and the database to have only one non-repeating list of categories


  7. #7
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    You can leave only one listing type and move all your categories into this listing type and use the 'Mirroring listings' feature in the listing package

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