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Thread: Deep Location data into website

  1. #1

    Deep Location data into website

    Hi Flynax,

    Flynax haveing Location data like Countries > State/Region/Province > City after this no data. I have next-level locality data in excel format on my PC. Please guide me,

    how to add this data? I tried from admin panel its showing only Flynax data. (See attached Image)


  2. #2
    Does any one know how to add location? Please guide me

  3. #3
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    The multiField plugin doesn't allow to import locations from files, you can add a new level manually via the 'Add a New Item' button

    or you can use Data Entries Import plugin for importing entries in xls format, see this thread:


    Note that it supports only one parent per import so you need to divide your location lists into files (for each city)

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