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Thread: Template from other script

  1. #1

    Question Template from other script


    I have a question, it is possible to use the general OLX template from Classified Ads Script on Real Estate Script?

    And if possible, where can I download and how install the general OLX template in Real Estate Script?

    Many thanks and kind regards

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    It will not work properly so it will require some customization to adjust OLX template to realty script

  3. #3
    I wait rather than pay for customization.

    I bet the next real estate script will be a bit more advanced than OLX.

    I'd suggest that we real estate script users start a thread suggesting what we would like in a template.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    I agree, we need some kind of percussive real estate template which is also fast as google looks at the rankings of how fast a website is. Plus, the current templates fall far short of the larger real estate advertising pages and are thus hard to create good.

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