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Thread: LISTING BUG - Listing browse form of 1st listing effects all listings below

  1. #1

    LISTING BUG - Listing browse form of 1st listing effects all listings below

    I just found this bug on my site version 4.7.2, tested on Flynax demo version 4.8.1, same problem.

    Bug description: ONLY shows on listing type page, for example:

    The first listing of the list effects all listing below on that page.
    If the first listing does not have a listing fields in that category browse form, then all of that listing fields don't show on all the listings below it, even if they have those listings fields.

    For example: If the first listing is Room for rent, this listing's browse form does not have listing fields (bedroom, bathroom) then all of the listing below won't show bedroom, bathroom, even those they are apartment for rent with bedroom and bathroom.

    However, this bug DOES NOT effects search on map page, search results page, meaning no matter what the first listing is, all listing show all listing fields correctly as set in browse form.

    All screenshot are taken from flynax demo
    Screenshot1. The first listing of this list is apartment listing that have all the listing field (price, bedroom, bathroom) so the rest of listing below show them OK

    Screenshot2. I created new listing as Room for rent (does not have bathroom, bedroom fields), as this is on top, all of the listing below are missing bedroom, bathroom fields. Please look at screenshot1 again to see difference.

    Once I disable/delete that room for rent listing, the apartment listing on top again and all the listing below shows all fields since this apartment listing have all fields. just like in screenshot 1

    Another example situation:
    You have listing type FOR SALE: with categories: BOOK, CAR, BOAT, HOUSE.
    If the first listing was a BOOK listing that does not have CAR body form, CAR door, BOAT engine, HOUSE built year, HOUSE renting period.
    THEN, none of those fields will show on that listing type listing list.

    Flynax Dev please advise.
    Thank you
    Last edited by Wei Hong; September 26, 2020 at 06:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Calling this script anything but an "Alpha" release is simply false advertising.
    At this point, I am not confident the script is fit for commercial application.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    I couldn't reproduce this problem

    Maybe I missed something?

    browse form.jpg

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post
    I couldn't reproduce this problem

    Maybe I missed something?

    Attachment 3875
    Considering that it's a ROOM FOR RENT category. Here is how you reproduce it practically:
    Step 1. Build a listing form for that ROOM FOR RENT category, left out the bedroom and bathroom field. Quickest way is just title, price, and location.
    Step 2. Build a browse form, again quickest way is no bedroom and bathroom field. just tittle and price.
    Step 3. Create a listing ROOM FOR RENT, so its on top of the list and see all the listing below it missing all of the listing fields bedroom bathroom.

    Check again, and you will see it.
    * The reason your screenshot work is because Flynax Demo has bedroom field and bathroom field for a room for rent category. Which is weird

    Again, if the first listing does not have any listing fields, the rest of the listing won't show it.

    In Rudy screenshot it shows because the category inherit listing form and browse form from the primary category HOUSE. Build a separate listing form and browse form for it. Like you do for a ROOM FOR RENT (no bedroom bath room) and a HOUSE FOR RENT (have bedroom bathroom).
    or a BOOK FOR SALE (no body type or door) and a CAR FOR SALE (have body type or door)
    Last edited by Wei Hong; September 28, 2020 at 05:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Can View Post
    Calling this script anything but an "Alpha" release is simply false advertising.
    At this point, I am not confident the script is fit for commercial application.
    Hi Joe, I have been with Flynax for years and honestly they are quick with bug fixing, only 1-2 times they refuse to see it as a bug and took me huge time to convince.
    As long as they are response and work on bug fix it should be fine. We're here to help them and it they listen we feel appreciated

  6. #6
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Ok, the task about this problem already exists and I'll change its priority status to very important

    Now you can apply this solution:

    open includes > classes > rlListings.class.php > public function getListings

    find at the bottom:
    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code
    and change it to:
    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code

  7. #7
    [QUOTE=Rudi;30975]Ok, the task about this problem already exists and I'll change its priority status to very important

    Now you can apply this solution:

    open includes > classes > rlListings.class.php > public function getListings

    find at the bottom:
    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code
    and change it to:
    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code

    Hello Rudi,

    Should we also apply this in version 4.8.1 ?

  8. #8
    [QUOTE=Rudi;30975]Ok, the task about this problem already exists and I'll change its priority status to very important

    Now you can apply this solution:

    open includes > classes > rlListings.class.php > public function getListings

    find at the bottom:
    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code
    and change it to:
    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code

    Thanks Rudi, I can confirm that this fix the bug. Hopefully all the other bugs get fixed in a blaze like this. Would be a very good gesture for flynax.

    Quote Originally Posted by Logmanov View Post
    Hello Rudi,

    Should we also apply this in version 4.8.1 ?
    Yes, if you have different categories with different listing fields

  9. #9
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logmanov View Post
    Should we also apply this in version 4.8.1 ?

    Yes, it should be applied to versions 4.7.2 - 4.8.1

    until we fix it in the next update

    Quote Originally Posted by Wei Hong View Post
    Thanks Rudi, I can confirm that this fix the bug. Hopefully all the other bugs get fixed in a blaze like this. Would be a very good gesture for flynax.
    Ok, good
    Last edited by Rudi; September 28, 2020 at 02:25 PM.

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