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Thread: Payment Link in Email

  1. #1

    Payment Link in Email

    So a user selects a plan that is not free and is automatically sent an email stating they need to make payment before the listing goes live.

    I click on the link and it goes to an upgrade listing not sure why everything including the button is called upgrade first of all when it's just a payment. And if they select a free plan at that point, they still see an upgrade button. I changed the button to continue.

    Anyway, if the person changed their mind and selects a free plan, I get ERROR 404: Requested page not found. The URL is http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/upgra ... html?id=24

    Also, if you select a plan that costs money but forget to select which payment type, you also get the same error. It should say "please select a payment gateway to continue".


  2. #2
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    Hello Cristina,
    Quote Originally Posted by azdolfan
    Anyway, if the person changed their mind and selects a free plan, I get ERROR 404: Requested page not found. The URL is http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/upgra ... html?id=24
    I need this account access details, to check the issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by azdolfan
    Also, if you select a plan that costs money but forget to select which payment type, you also get the same error. It should say "please select a payment gateway to continue".
    This issue will be fixed and fix will be posted in this thread.


  3. #3

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    I need this account access details, to check the issue.
    It happens with all accounts, not one specifically. I could give you the account info, but the email you will need will go to me anyway. If you make a new account you could make it with a your test email address.

    This issue will be fixed and fix will be posted in this thread.
    Sweet! Will keep an eye out for it. Thx!

  4. #4
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    Hello Cristina,
    Quote Originally Posted by azdolfan
    Anyway, if the person changed their mind and selects a free plan, I get ERROR 404: Requested page not found. The URL is http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/upgra ... html?id=24
    I have tested it on my local version and I did not faced with such error,
    I tried to reproduce this problem on your website, but you have not free plans in this category: Birds of Prey
    Is there free plan in other categories? let me know about or just add free plan to mentioned category.

    Quote Originally Posted by azdolfan
    Also, if you select a plan that costs money but forget to select which payment type, you also get the same error. It should say "please select a payment gateway to continue".
    Here fix:
    1. open the following file: /templates/CURRENT/tpl/controllers/add_listing.tpl
    2. find the line(#~76):
    Only registered members can view the code.
    and replace it with this code:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    3. find the line(#~100):
    Only registered members can view the code.
    3. add the following javascript code after line you found:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    5. save changes
    6. go to your Flynax Admin Panel >> Languages
    7. Add new phrase with the following key: notice_payment_gateway_does_not_chose

    Done, test add listing page now.
    Let me know if something wrong.


  5. #5

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    I have tested it on my local version and I did not faced with such error,
    I tried to reproduce this problem on your website, but you have not free plans in this category: Birds of Prey
    Is there free plan in other categories? let me know about or just add free plan to mentioned category.
    I see a free plan for Birds of Prey?!? But, I made like 6 plans that are free now...Hope it works now...

    Here fix:
    1. open the following file: /templates/CURRENT/tpl/controllers/add_listing.tpl
    I found that file, made the changes, saved and uploaded to server...verified file on server had changes...added the new phrase as you suggested and it's there now when I searched...however, the 404 error is still there for some reason?!?

  6. #6
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    Hello Christina,
    Sorry, it was my bad. I have corrected my instruction above, see point #2.


  7. #7

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    Hello John,

    I have made change and it's working fine on add listing page.

    But what about upgrade listing pages ?

    i still have the problem when an user try to upgrade listing plan, and also when an user try to make a listing featured.

    How can i make changes in upgrade listing page to get the same result as the add listing page.

    I have tested the same code in upgrade_listing.tpl, but it's not working !


  8. #8

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    what about the upgrade listing pages ?

    i'm still getting the same problem on upgrade listing page !


  9. #9

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    John that is for add listings not upgrade...my link was for upgrade...someone else is reporting this issue as well in this thread. Thanks!

  10. #10
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Payment Link in Email

    Hello Guys,
    Actually you can do the same actions on the upgrade.tpl page, this page has the same
    HTML form, just add onclick attribute and script after the form.
    Let me know about results, if it will be complicated for you, I post detailed instruction.

    Good luck.

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