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Thread: General Modern template several questions

  1. #1

    General Modern template several questions

    Hello everyone,
    Several question I hope it would be useful for others too,
    1- Is it possible for the advertiser to add (Sold or Rented etc...) to listing's thumbnail in the listings page? that it would look like the way (Featured) looks
    2- How can I set up an expiration date to a listing? so it automatically terminated
    3- Is it possible to prevent the advertiser from removing his own listing prior to expiration date? having him asking the admin to remove the listing.
    4- How can I create (custom listing fields) that will only appear when choosing certain option (please see screen shot for explanation)
    5- (Searching forms) .... I have built a custom Search Fields and want to assign it to (Apartments & Houses) Category. how can I do that?
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    1. You need to use Listing Status plugin

    2. Expiration date or lifetime of listing is set in packages in Monetization > Listing Packages > some plan > Edit > Listing live for. For membership plans it is not supported as you set lifetime for plan only

    3. It will require a customization. As far as I know it's not correct in terms of GDPR

    4. It also will require a small customization. By default, 'Rent' works only with Rental Period field

    5. For categories you can use 'In a Category' form type

    but if you need to display form on different pages you can use your custom form:

    go to Content > Boxes > Add a Box > in Box type select Smarty;

    then in Content insert the following code with the key of your custom form

    {search key='YOUR_CUSTOM_FORM_KEY'}
    Last edited by Rudi; August 15, 2019 at 01:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Thank you Rudi for your help,
    (Point No. 5) it wasn't clear for me I tried to follow your instruction but didn't get a result.
    the Idea of custom search field is when searching for house to buy has different criteria than searching for commercial Shops or Lots
    I need to assign (customized search form) to each category and subcategory that will appears once user chooses a category or subcategory
    Is it possible? Subject website is [URL="http://eqaratsy.com"]

  4. #4
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    you need to put a field Category to the form and enable levels of categories in your listing form you need to use:

    Listings > Listing Types > your listing type > Edit > Search Settings > Number of category levels

    use this fix to display categories on box settings: https://forum.flynax.com/showthread....ll=1#post26878

    if you still have some problems you'd better create a ticket

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post

    1. You need to use Listing Status plugin

    2. Expiration date or lifetime of listing is set in packages in Monetization > Listing Packages > some plan > Edit > Listing live for. For membership plans it is not supported as you set lifetime for plan only

    3. It will require a customization. As far as I know it's not correct in terms of GDPR

    4. It also will require a small customization. By default, 'Rent' works only with Rental Period field

    5. For categories you can use 'In a Category' form type

    but if you need to display form on different pages you can use your custom form:

    go to Content > Boxes > Add a Box > in Box type select Smarty;

    then in Content insert the following code with the key of your custom form

    {search key='YOUR_CUSTOM_FORM_KEY'}
    Hi Rudi, I created a content box smarty and successfully display the search form with your code
    {search key='YOUR_CUSTOM_FORM_KEY'}

    However the content of it looks bad, may be because it has no class?
    Screen Shot 2021-06-30 at 11.50.45 PM.png
    It even have a "with picture" option, which I set as NO.

    How can I set the class of the content to be like this, the refine search box, and without "with picture" option:
    Screen Shot 2021-06-30 at 11.50.53 PM.png

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