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Thread: Free ads limitations

  1. #1

    Free ads limitations

    I recommend some limitations for free ads as an option.

    1. Free ads should not be able to renew until they reach last day. for example
    free ads are live for 14 days. They should not be able to renew until 13th day. Because they renew their free ads and going to top of list. We have Update posting date of listings after upgrading option in admin panel (Basic settings->listings), but it is for all ads.

    2. Free ads should have some limitations in editor section (CKEditor). for example

    a. They should not be able to add description text more than m words or n characters.
    (There is wordcount plugin for ckeditor but flynax should handle the process based on listing plan.)

    b. They should not be able to add links. It means, link property icon should be off for them. vice versa, featured ads should be able to access more icons in ckeditor, like changing fonts, text color, add tables or ...

    c. and what else...

    Actually i did all of above for myself, but i recommend it to flynax as a new feature for users.

    One important thing that i see it less in flynax package is:
    The user should be encouraged for adding a feature ad for its special privileges and advantages.
    Last edited by Bahram Soltanirad; February 12, 2018 at 02:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth

    1. We'll think of how to improve the functioning of free listing packages in a best way

    Thanks for the rest recommendations (including another your post) but they are more related to personal requests
    and such things we make as customizations

    We usually add things/features which are essential, urgent or commonly used
    Last edited by Rudi; February 12, 2018 at 03:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Dear Bahram Soltanirad, would you be so kind to share the knowledge how you did things 1, 2a and 2b. I completely agree with you, this is how all classifieds sites that I know work (and its must have from my perspective to be able to monetize service offered by classifieds). Thank you very much.

    p.s. Thanks for info on 1. I didnt know that flynax works this way, and I even think this might be considered as bug, having in mind that we have Monetizer plugin which doesnt makes sense in case explained in 1.

  4. #4
    Hello Kenan,

    Actually, i don't like to interfere in flynax work. So i just put solution for No. 1

    Go to includes/controllers/upgrade_listing.inc.php
    Only registered members can view the code.
    Add below lines after that:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    Finish!, but you can replace 'Number of days to renew free listing is:' with a phrase in languages section (admin panel).
    Go to admin panel->languages and click on add a phrase button.
    Then enter notice_free_listing_limit_renew as Key field, Number of days to renew free listing is: (or in your language words) as Value field.

    Then you can use below line in the code.
    Only registered members can view the code.

  5. #5
    Thanks, I will try that. No1. is most important as I said, and other features you mentioned should be introduced in flynax by default. Thanks for sharing.

  6. #6
    Hi Bahram,
    I use my free ads with the option "0" so it makes the ads active for an unlimited period and I need a limit for the renew option.
    Will your code work for me? Or it will need some modification because as I understood you have limitation for free ads being active 14 days.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksandar Apostolovski View Post
    Hi Bahram,I use my free ads with the option "0" so it makes the ads active for an unlimited period and I need a limit for the renew option.Will your code work for me? Or it will need some modification because as I understood you have limitation for free ads being active 14 days.
    Change $_perm = $plan_info['Listing_period']-1; to something like $_perm = 14; or $_perm = 10; or any limitation day you want.
    Last edited by Bahram Soltanirad; March 16, 2019 at 06:03 AM.

  8. #8
    Sorry for the delayed answer... BIG THANK YOU!!!
    One more question, how can I put a word at the end in the phrase? After the limitation days?
    For example: Renew limit - 14 days
    Because like it is right now, it gives the limitation days at the end of the phrase

  9. #9
    Hi Bahram, I tried below code for 'My packages' page. It works but if you could still check for any improvements!

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Last edited by idesigntrends; August 11, 2022 at 12:53 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    That's good, tried it and it's perfect. It would be nice if this was included in the script by default.

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