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Thread: Problem in Condition

  1. #1

    Problem in Condition

    Hello sir

    the Problem in Condition
    When Delete (Used - New) from here: admin panel >> Listing Fields >> Edit a Field Condition
    And type it again!

    Disappear ... Condition(Radios set)... from (Arrange the boxes by)

    I can not bring it back as it was
    Is the problem of database?
    Last edited by Fahad Almutairi; September 5, 2012 at 10:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Flynax developer
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Would you please submit a ticket to our technical support and we will check it ASAP.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hello Vladimir,
    The listing fields table has `Condition` field as well but don't miss "Condition" field option Condition Condition field (Vladimir specified as problem filed).
    So you can't use fields which has some data in `Condition` option as arrange field. After field editing the `Condition` field became as "0" which
    is a string and due to it the system stop using it for arrange settings. We have fixed it in current version and the fix will be available in next
    software update. Now you can fix it through this query:

    Only registered members can view the code.

  4. #4
    Please, Sir John
    I want more details. How Edited?

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hi Fahad,

    here is how you can bring back the "Condition" to "Arrange the boxes by" in listings type
    1. copy the code John have posted
    2. go to your cPanel, phpMyAdmin
    3. select your site Database, find "fl_listing_fields" click on it
    4. from the phpMyAdmin menu click on "SQL"
    5. paste John's code in "Run SQL query/queries on database" , delete all other codes here, just John's code
    6. then click on "Go"
    7. I you got a green answer so you are DONE!
    8. go to your site admin and check it

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahad Almutairi View Post
    Please, Sir John
    I want more details. How Edited?

  6. #6
    You are absolutely right Zia

    Just little addition: you can run sql queries from the flynax admin panel as well: Admin Panel>>Database

    And also when you work through AP>Database page and you are not sure about your tables prefix ("fl_" in the query above) , you can use {sql_prefix} text and it will be replaced with right tables prefix

    Only registered members can view the code.

  7. #7
    Hello Mike,

    This is stop working for me any more,

    I tried to do this and its worked fine, and when add more options is not showing again even if I will run this query.

    Pleas help.

    Thank you.

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