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Thread: Riddle Me This - How do I arrange the order of polls ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Riddle Me This - How do I arrange the order of polls ?

    is there a way to arrange the order of polls ? or do we need to delete everything and start again when we want to add a new item ?

    I think if i was able to edit the dates I could do this but where would one do that ?

    EDIT > I think we can scrap this plugin? regardless of what settings / pages I have selected to show in, it just shows on everypage regardless / gave up trying to fix it and in the bin it goes.
    Last edited by Pete Young; February 7, 2018 at 05:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Unfortunately, not,

    you can only modify them via data base manager changing their id values like positions

  3. #3
    Hello Pete,

    Yes, Rudi is right. Right now you cannot change position and ordering using the column ID. If you want you can create a new ticket and I will create position field for polls items and then you can change positions.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

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