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Thread: [b]? V5[/b] - what are your software christmas gifts & 2018 new year resolutions?

  1. #1

    ? Version 5 - what are your software christmas gifts & 2018 new year resolutions?


    What are your software Christmas gifts for your Clients?
    What are your 2018 new year software NEW approach resolutions?

    Bugs & Page Speed Matters Most:
    Please, Please, Please 2018 times make your new year resolution priority to Focus on Software surf-ability pages load speed, Stability & deep rework bugs issues fixes & more frequent patch release until completely no more bugs & no throttling.

    For the sake of your time & your clients time, please don't ask or make individual people create tickets while the same bugs or issues arise, found or exist in the software for every one of your clients because it is very time-consuming and waste of time when you guys need to fix it and release patches most frequently for all clients that have not customised the software.

    Provide simple yet professional looks, feels wider better template/theme with 5 t0 7 Gallery view approach alike gumtree.com, etsy.com, offerup.com, eBay.com (Involve other professionals or reffer professionals you know off to your clients and show you really care for your clients success).

    90% of your clients are either floating around or sunk in deep water. Why?

    most of your clients are still unable to do cron jobs, XML because you have no real working setup example provided with the software. there for 90% of your clients can't be successful even just for themselves let alone marketing for the public.

    -Cron Jobs (Should have two or more real working setup & configuration examples, on software back-end, CP area for admin)
    -XML Import/Export (Should have two or more real working setup & configuration examples, on software back-end, CP area for admin)
    -Advanced Geo Filter-Geographic setup doesn't work at all (Should have two or more real working setup & configuration examples, on software back-end, CP area for admin)
    -Multi-level fields Why there aren't Multi-level fields provide Real working example for all Categories or come with by default eg. eBay.com
    -Product Listing URL by title ONLY and/or IP Geo (Should have config setup real working example back-end Admin CP)

    -Advanced Bank Transfer Payment Gateway (Should have preset form on software back-end, CP area for admin)

    -Advanced Feedback alike ebay.com
    -Advanced FAQs
    -Advanced invoices
    -Advanced Sitemap
    -Why There aren't stable Site-Wide Fields to Use

    -Advanced Affiliate Program
    -Advanced Multi-field / Filtering (Should have by default)
    -URL Localization issues
    -Why there isn't Back-end form input for Company Address & telephone number for front-end footer area.
    -Why there isn't Back-end form input setup Server Time for front-end header area

    -Why there isn't Back-end form for site announcement: could be, site update, holiday greetings, sale, or etc. alike eBay, youtube & others, atleast one or two lines at the very top of page.
    -Why there isn't Back-end Site Logo, MobileLogo & favicon uploads like the now modern sites? why do we have to go through ..../template/logo/...in order to edit/change logo updates & uploads.

    -The new ONE PAGE PRODUCT LISTING FORM is missing Shopping Cart, sales tax, shipping details, return options, Quantity, Payment option, ISBN, SKU, Secondary category, Make Donation & etc. I dont think we need the LOCATION MAP, SIGN IN and SIGN UP FORM THERE, it's just taking the space while we need other important formats there.

    -Back-end Way too old never been updated nor organized. compare our's with these:

    most of your clients are still unable index their site
    why don't you guys set up your demo site complete so that your existing customers can copy some of the above settings.

    FYI- As of this writing, your demo site is down.

    Happy Holidays to all of you!
    Last edited by Sisay Beshah; December 22, 2017 at 06:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Flynax Staff
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Thank you for your extensive and detailed feedback on our script performance. We always take our customers’ complaints and suggestions seriously. Let us answer your queries below:

    Bugs & Page Speed Matters Most:
    Please, Please, Please 2018 times make your new year resolution priority to Focus on Software surf-ability pages load speed, Stability & deep rework bugs issues fixes & more frequent patch release until completely no more bugs & no throttling.
    The speed and performance of the script has always been our priority and we’re always working on making it faster and more stable. However, keep in mind that speed load page may also depend on the servers, the number of visitors trying to access the same page at the same time and a range of other factors outside of our control. For instance, a user who chooses an inexpensive shared hosting for his website and gets thousands of unique visitors per day may experience slower page load speed and this issue cannot be fixed unless he migrates to a more powerful hosting plan.

    For the sake of your time & your clients time, please don't ask or make individual people create tickets while the same bugs or issues arise, found or exist in the software for every one of your clients because it is very time-consuming and waste of time when you guys need to fix it and release patches most frequently for all clients that have not customised the software.
    We don’t actually make people create tickets – they do this because they want to reach support with the help of the ticket. As for bugs and issues, we work on fixing them and release bug fixes and patches on a regular basis.

    Provide simple yet professional looks, feels wider better template/theme with 5 t0 7 Gallery view approach alike gumtree.com, etsy.com, offerup.com, eBay.com (Involve other professionals or refer professionals you know off to your clients and show you really care for your clients success).
    As a matter of fact, we’re currently working on a range of templates that will soon become part of Flynax script and will be available to all Flynax customers. The new templates will conform to latest design trends. By the way, we do have a Gumtree clone, you may take a look at it. We also have other templates for popular classifieds portals.

    Furthermore, we want to stress that it is almost impossible to create a template that will fit all of customers’ requirements. That is why our templates are customizable and users may either change the look on their own or have us modify it for an extra fee.

    Most of your clients are still unable to do cron jobs, XML because you have no real working setup example provided with the software. there for 90% of your clients can't be successful even just for themselves let alone marketing for the public.
    We admit that running your own website may be complicated to customers who are not familiar with IT or not technically-adept. At that, we are trying to make our script as user friendly as possible so that users may configure and set it up right from the admin panel. As for setting up cron jobs, XML or other issues involving configuration of complicated plugins or such, we’re working on developing manuals and video tutorials to help our customers configure their websites. We have a list of video tutorials that will soon be available to all Flynax customers and will help them effectively resolve many of the issues.

    -Why there isn't Back-end form for site announcement: could be, site update, holiday greetings, sale, or etc. alike eBay, youtube & others, atleast one or two lines at the very top of page.
    Currently, this can be done through html/css. You may get a template and insert a code, then modify it to match the website design. We will think about adding this feature; however, given the differences in template design, the announcement may look good on one template but totally compromise another. In this case, customers will complain that the feature does not work on every template and we only want to add a feature only when we are sure that it will be supported across all of our templates.

    -Why there isn't Back-end Site Logo, MobileLogo & favicon uploads like the now modern sites? why do we have to go through ..../template/logo/...in order to edit/change logo updates & uploads.
    As part of free support, we may upload a logo to our customers and position it on their website. As templates are different, it may not always be a good idea to offer users to upload a logo via admin panel because a user may want to position a logo based on his template design and a default upload via admin panel may not always be the best.

    -Back-end Way too old never been updated nor organized. compare our's with these:
    We believe that the most essential thing for the admin panel is its functionality and the ability for users to configure their websites. The look and the organization of the admin panel is a secondary issue. With that said, we have completely redesigned our admin panel and it will become part of Flynax 5 script upgrade.

    most of your clients are still unable index their site
    why don't you guys set up your demo site complete so that your existing customers can copy some of the above settings.
    Indexing a customer’s website is a sole customer responsibility and depends on SEO promotion. There are no default settings that will allow you to get your website to the top of google search queries. Each website is individual and requires custom SEO approach and work with keywords. However, we do offer a range of essential plugins that help our customers get better SEO rankings, among those are: sitemap, social meta tags and others. We also offer a SEO guide as a premium product that provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to work with keywords, arrange content on the website, work with metadata and other essential tips based on our knowledge and best SEO practices.

    FYI- As of this writing, your demo site is down.
    We did experience server downtimes and that was an issue entirely outside of our control. We don’t have our own servers, and like many others host all of our products and services with a hosting company of our choice. They were doing server maintenance and it affected many of the websites including ours. We’re really sorry that our customers had difficulty accessing demos during this period and we’re on contact with the hosting company to make sure that it does not happen again.

    You have also touched upon many of the plugins and ways of optimizing them. We welcome your ideas and suggestions; however, for the sake of organization, we would like you to open topics for each of the plugin and share your ideas on how to improve them. We’ll read and discuss them with our team. Thank you for your detailed feedback, Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

  3. #3
    Even though I would have had a different approach to some of your answers, I would still like to extend
    my deep appreciation for taking your time to answer most of the highlighted questions/constructive suggestions to the best of your abilities.
    Thank you! Andrew.

  4. #4
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hi There!
    We just released the SEO Guide which will help you with SEO setup, read more here:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Hi There!
    We just released the SEO Guide which will help you with SEO setup, read more here:
    positive move, thank you to the flynax team

    You may find this has changed, I can not confirm it 100% and giggle is hard to follow at the best of times with changes

    The title should not exceed 70 characters and the meta description shouldn't be more than 160
    characters long
    It now appears this has been recently doubled to around 320 chars, so a setting closer to 300 chars should be ok, but people need to do their own research as I may be wrong.
    Last edited by Pete Young; January 16, 2018 at 08:27 PM.

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