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Thread: How to manage several Categories at once?

  1. #1

    How to manage several Categories at once?

    Dear Flynax community
    Currently, I have a lot of categories (about 40 - 50). All of them are equal and must have identical structure and views of "Listing Form", "Browse Form" etc. I've tried to pick out all (with check-boxes in Category admin page) and them to do something but it doesn't work. So the checkbox purpose is probably only one function (Activate\Suspend).
    Long story short: can I make changes in "Listing Form", "Browse Form", "Title Form" for all (of for picked only) categories at once?

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Hello Volodymyr,

    Actually, if you need to apply forms to several categories of the same listing type you can use 'Primary Category' feature that allows you to select some category as primary
    it means that when you build forms for this category they will be also related to its sub-categories and siblings until you build their personal listing and title forms

    for that you need to go to Listings > Listing Types > your listing type > Edit > Category Settings > General Category > set your primary category
    then go to this category builder and build forms

  3. #3
    Dear Rudi,
    thank you for your advice, however, I met a problem during setting "primary category ". Could you clarify, what "Name" I have to fill? All "Names" I see on the page are filled earlier.Screenshot from 2017-12-05 11-58-56.jpg

  4. #4
    Hello Volodymyr Kovalov,

    Would you please send ftp access to my PM. I will check and solve it.
    Also, you can create a new ticket with the problem and our tech department will solve it.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

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