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Thread: SEO problems

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    OK a quick update, finally starting to get on top of getting this SEO sorted. I will show you a few quick video's and they are not in order or not even the best examples, they are just random, but I want to show Sahap and others about what we have been talking about and how to maybe set things up, and I say maybe because I am not the expert, just trying to improve is all.

    1. So this first example shows 2 things one is to add your location to your meta description, and secondly by adding some of the owners other ads to the listing and by using search terms in description you can get unrelated ads bringing up your search terms in other areas increasing your search footprint.

    You will see when I first search the term that I do not appear on page 1 for the search, but if I search using a location term, you will see that I now own spots 4, 5 and 6. this brings into play adding the location and using other ads by that owner to increase the search footprint.

    Again this is not to look fancy and the results will improve as indexing gets better, for now just take on board the example for what it is, as this would apply very good for things like real estate agent listings etc plus a whole lot more, an extension of this would be to flip it around say for auto where you added make and model for example to your description and as a bonus also add locations, options only limited by your thinking
    Last edited by Pete Young; March 16, 2017 at 11:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    3. This video shows several things that can work and includes what I mentioned the other day about using and renaming tags to popular searches, it also shows that by allowing users to cross post to other categories will also increase your foot print. here we own 7 of the 10 spots on page one. please keep in mind these results are all new as i only started working on this problem a few days ago and they can only improve.

    I could continue with dozens of boring examples, but for my buddy here Sahap and others do not give up, because if I can turn this all around in a few days so can you, again I am no expert here and would like everyone's input to improve, but some things that help are (in no order)

    use tags
    use recently viewed
    allow users to post in other categories
    add your locations to your description in meta file (your choice)
    add sitemap.xml and or CHECK IT (see guide above somewhere)
    check your on page SEO is good

    I have also removed all things like my location etc (as only one country and it is not needed) so you would notice no urls have locations in them (using the meta for that) and I think even if I had more than one country I would only use my location at one level the top country level and that would be it ? might be wrong on that one?

    I would expect with more time and as we make more tweaks to the system the results will explode even more.

    * Over the last 3 or so days I have checked as many flynax sites as I could find (no names), some are good, some OK and some have a lot of errors in them, or are set up very bad, so if you are unsure do some checks.

    One thing of big notice was the numbers of unused categories in the xml's of peoples sites, some were years old and never been updated, if you have these, set them as inactive for now when cleaning up the xml, and if your starting new, now more than ever I see categories one of the last things to build and even then only building categories as you need them.

    It is no good building a gazillion categories thinking somebody might use your site one day and need it, and leaving it there like a desperado who nobody loves for gigggle to see year in and year out rotting away, your just telling giggle, your on a slow boat to china, but instead just build a master category, then if say you get a dozen of more ads that you can split down into a sub category build it then, that way giggle only sees knock knock knockin on giggles door with new and fresh information Bang Bang. ? call me silly i suppose just reporting what I see.

    One last quick one to show a listing just added in the last day or so ( I wanted to monitor changes being made ) it shows again that using tags is important, cross posting is important and using search terms in your description is important, here after a short while we own 3 out 10 spots numbers 8,9 and 10 but early days for this so I would expect more and higher results as time delivers.
    Last edited by Pete Young; March 16, 2017 at 11:05 PM.

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