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Thread: New Install and Have Some Questions

  1. #1

    New Install and Have Some Questions

    I recently installed your program and have been learning the system. I have some questions and problems:

    1) Is there anyway the user can add photos before approval? I would like to approve them as well.

    2) I added a listing, made it a gold plan via the admin, then a featured listing, and approved it. When I go to my site I now see negative listings.... ie. Parrots (-3) Every time I attempt to approve the negative number goes more negative. If you click on the category on the main site, it shows 0 listings. I finally got it to show up and the only thing different was I turned on Allow subcategories adding. When I did that it said something about this listing because it was categorized in the one I made that change. Now I can see the listing, but it says no photos when looking at details. Yet, it has photos and even says 3 photos over a photo before clicking details. I changed the name "Approval" using your language tool to "Waiting Approval" before approving this listing. When I first got the -1, I changed back the name thinking that might have done something to it, but it still was going in the negative numbers. I also got 4 emails saying the listing was deactivated. The listing is finally not showing in the “approval queue” anymore. Check it out if you need...it's under parrots http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/

    3) I added a new free listing and selected Advertisement as category. As an admin, I checked my email and clicked on the link to go to that listing to review. But I get an “ERROR 404: Requested page not found”. Here’s the link in my email http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/brows ... ng-l1.html This is still in the approval queue. I can’t even approve it via the admin.

    4) How does the user select which photo will be the the main photo? I added 3 photos, and figured my first added photo would be, but it was the last one. Now how to change? I hope the user will be able to.

    5) Zip code only allowed 4 characters when adding a listing?!? Where to change that?

    6) Anyway to add another menu item to the top of menu?

    7) Is there some admin documentation? Most fields are self explanatory, but a few I have no clue to what they do. Like what is prizes in an ad listing? Would be nice to have each explained in admin with a question mark. Also, a search functionality to find things. But at the very least, access to some docs explaining each.

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    Any help plz? Because of the errors, I wonder if I should even continue building my site in case it has problem that causes me to reinstall and start over. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    Hello azdolfan,
    >>1) Is there anyway the user can add photos before approval? I would like to approve them as well.
    Use Uploadify plugin for that.

    >>2) I added a listing, made it a gold plan via the admin, then a fea....
    System count listings count incorrectly sometime, in this case you may use Admin Panel recount listings tools, go to your admin panel >> Controls and click on Recount buttons.
    Also I recommend you to set up the cron jobs, here the instruction: Cron job setup

    >>3) I added a new free listing and selected Advertisement as category. As an admin...
    Actually link to the details page should not be in the email, because Advertising listings has not details page and displays in the Advertising Block only, here the instruction which will fix this issue and remove the link from the email:
    1. Open file: /ROOT/includes/controllers/add_listing.inc.php
    2. Find the following code line (line: ~500)
    Only registered members can view the code.
    3. Replace it with the following code:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    4. Find the following code line (line: ~341)
    Only registered members can view the code.
    5. Replace it with the following code:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    6. Save the file

    >>I can’t even approve it via the admin.
    Just go to admin panel and change the status to this listing.

    >>5) Zip code only allowed 4 characters when adding a listing?!? Where to change that?
    Go to Admin Panel >> Listing Fields >> Edit for Zip field, then set 99999 as max allowed number and save the changes

    >>6) Anyway to add another menu item to the top of menu?
    Admin Panel >> Pages manager
    just add new page and choose main menu as page location

  4. #4

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    Hello azdolfan,
    >>1) Is there anyway the user can add photos before approval? I would like to approve them as well.
    Use Uploadify plugin for that.
    Yeah, I did find this plugin after posting and it's all setup and working. Thx

    >>2) I added a listing, made it a gold plan via the admin, then a fea....
    System count listings count incorrectly sometime, in this case you may use Admin Panel recount listings tools, go to your admin panel >> Controls and click on Recount buttons.
    Also I recommend you to set up the cron jobs, here the instruction: Cron job setup
    Ok, I ran the update listings counter but I can't verify since another bug appeared where I lost all my categories (see new posting about lost categories near by). I'm now wondering if the "rebuild categories level" will fix my problem in the other posting?!? The user manual doesn't say what it does so I'm hesitate to play with something I'm not sure about. I did set up the cron job on the first day of installation to run every hour. Might change to once a day until more than a 100 tho. But I have no clue if cron working yet since no expirations yet. I hope the count of these listings will be fixed in a future version.

    >>3) I added a new free listing and selected Advertisement as category. As an admin...
    Actually link to the details page should not be in the email, because Advertising listings has not details page and displays in the Advertising Block only, here the instruction which will fix this issue and remove the link from the email:
    1. Open file: /ROOT/includes/controllers/add_listing.inc.php
    This exact code is found in 4 places and not on the lines specified (line 360, 434, 449, 494). Maybe it changed in new version or different with other type of classifieds. Should I just go ahead and change all 4?

    >>I can’t even approve it via the admin.
    Just go to admin panel and change the status to this listing.
    The admin was not doing it, but it was an Ad. Are ads suppose to show up for approval in this queue or another?

    4) This question/answer was missed!

    >>5) Zip code only allowed 4 characters when adding a listing?!? Where to change that?
    Go to Admin Panel >> Listing Fields >> Edit for Zip field, then set 99999 as max allowed number and save the changes
    I did go to that page originally, but only verified the minimum number of 5. The value of the other field was defaulting to only 9999 so now it's 99999. Your testing team might want to check this on new installs. Thx

    >>6) Anyway to add another menu item to the top of menu?
    Admin Panel >> Pages manager
    just add new page and choose main menu as page location[/quote]
    Great, I'll work on that next. Since I don't have any categories

    Thanks for all your help John! Hopefully, I'll be good to go next week

  5. #5
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    Hi Christina,
    Here my answers:
    >>2)Ok, I ran the update listings counter but I can't verify since another bug appeared...
    I offer you to sort the issue with categories out, then recount listings and set up cron jobs correctly. Then counters should works correctly. We will check it on local version too.

    >>3)Do changes (be attentively, new code is different ) in the following lines only:
    - Find the code (Line 360):
    Only registered members can view the code.
    - replace with:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    - Find the code (Line 449):
    Only registered members can view the code.
    - replace with:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    - Find the code (Line 494):
    Only registered members can view the code.
    - replace with:
    Only registered members can view the code.

    >>>>I can’t even approve it via the admin.
    >>Just go to admin panel and change the status to this listing.
    >>The admin was not doing it, but it was an Ad. Are ads suppose to show up for >>approval in this queue or another?
    Actually I can't see the problem, Ads listings display in Listings manager as well as all other listings, you are able to change the status for them, edit etc.

    >>4) How does the user select which photo will be the the main photo? I added 3
    >>photos, and figured my first added photo would be, but it was the last one. Now
    >>how to change? I hope the user will be able to.
    There is "Make main" link under each photo, just click it to make main.


  6. #6

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    2) I offer you to sort the issue with categories out, then recount listings and set up cron jobs correctly. Then counters should works correctly. We will check it on local version too.
    Ok, it definitely still happens during different scenarios. But I've been able to narrow it down now. Unless it's just my system, you can move this to the bug section if it's confirmed.

    Scenerio 1 - Count=0 listings. Use Mass selection and select “approve” (the default status setting/wording for not approved yet) for a listing that has not been approved, the listing count goes down. Count=-1 Listings. Normally you wouldn’t do that, but it’s confusing because of the word you use “approve” actually is a verb that means to activate by saying it’s good. However, you guys use it as unverified at this time. So really activate and approve mean the same thing. I changed the wording approve to unverified in language module so that I don’t use it again and mess up the count. So, I'm good but you may want to look into for a future version.

    So after doing the above and then going back and you select “activate”, the count goes up one. Count=0 Listings. Then do Recount and it goes up one again to fix the “approve” before activated selection. Count=1 listings. All good now!
    Because of incorrect number listing and after recount, email links to user is off and does not go to details but to plain old browse listing.

    Email says:
    Your listing in eAnimalClassifieds.com was activated.
    Please click the following link to view listing details page:

    Compared to correct details page: http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/brows ... g-l11.html

    Scenerio 2: If you select unverified via admin “edit”, the count didn't go down but when I went back to activate it didn't go up and the user does not receive email stating it was activated. Other activation methods, send the email. Unless just me, but I tried many times and no email, yet got it for all the others. I did a recount and the count went up 1.

    Scenerio 3: In the new, unverified listings, if you select the status in the status column but decide you do not want to change it yet for whatever reason or looking at wrong one, whatever…if you keep the status the same and click out, the person who listed gets an email stating their listing was deactivated. It reality, it was never deactivated because it was never activated. Will lead users to think it wasn’t approved and possible removed when they read email. Listing Count also goes to -1 until you run Recount again.

    3)Do changes (be attentively, new code is different ) in the following lines only:
    - Find the code (Line 360):
    I changed in the 3 areas exactly, but it still has broken link in email. I then changed the 4th area that you may have missed, but it still has broken link. Could there be a difference in the way I post listing. I see there is a post-ad.html and add-listing.html. I don't even know the difference because it looks like the say options and categories come up.

    Here's my file with the changed code. [attachment=2:39ktpgdn]add_listing.inc.rar[/attachment:39ktpgdn]

    >>>>I can’t even approve it via the admin.
    >>Just go to admin panel and change the status to this listing.
    >>The admin was not doing it, but it was an Ad. Are ads suppose to show up for >>approval in this queue or another?
    Actually I can't see the problem, Ads listings display in Listings manager as well as all other listings, you are able to change the status for them, edit etc.
    The misunderstanding here is the use of the word "approve" like explained above. When you think you are activating by selecting approve, your actually not. I've changed to unverified so it won't happen again. All good on this subject!

    >>4) How does the user select which photo will be the the main photo? I added 3 photos, and figured my first added photo would be, but it was the last one. Now
    >>how to change? I hope the user will be able to.
    There is "Make main" link under each photo, just click it to make main.
    I have to laugh at this one because I really didn't miss it. There is a problem with my first post and the one that had me ask this question. See image below to show you I'm not crazy. See no Make Main link under pics!
    [attachment=1:39ktpgdn]no make main option.png[/attachment:39ktpgdn]

    New listings are fine, but do you have any idea why this one is messed up?

    Shows 3 Photos - http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/browse/birds/parrots/
    Click on parrot and details says NO photos
    http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/brows ... le-l2.html
    Only thing I remember about this listing is that I manually changed it to Gold Package. Other listings working fine now.

    Two additional questions that came up... I was editing the html code in the Welcome Block and when I was almost done, when I went back the code area is grayed out. But the welcome code is showing on main page.
    [attachment=0:39ktpgdn]Welcome Block Not Editable.png[/attachment:39ktpgdn]

    This one is probably me, but how do you get the featured listings to display for the users to select? It's active in Listing Plans and when I edited, I have it on for every Category and every Account Type. I can't even manually change a listing to that status like I can to Gold, Silver, etc. in the listings page where you can click Plan type and change. I must be missing something and I don't see the answer in the manual sent to me.


  7. #7

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    For #4 above, the crop fields are definitely having an affect on the main link. I turned them on and again the make main link was gone. However, I couldn't even save the cropping that I did. I turn off the crop fields and main link there and all good. So it looks like it's forcing a crop before showing in details and allowing the main pic to be selected which is probably by design, however I could never save the cropped area.

  8. #8

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    Another thing, where do you set the max upload size for images? Right now if it exceeds it, the user gets a dead blank page. You have to use the back browser button to recover. If I can at least set it higher, it will take care of this problem. But still wonder why I get a blank page?!? Thanks!

  9. #9

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    Anything on this? Most issues above are of no concern since there is workarounds (just reporting for fixes for future version). So to summarize the things I'd like some feedback on is:

    1) How to edit my welcome block since in the middle of doing it, it's now grayed out. See screenshot above and if you see on my site there's new stuff there.
    2) Still have the email link problem after editing my code. See my file I attached.
    3) I want to increase max image size upload since the default is causing problems like blank pages, etc. On image settings page, it has size in dimension for resizing. Quality only has 85-100. Is that the only size allowed for max uploading size?
    4) New listings are fine, but do you have any idea why this one is messed up?
    Shows 3 Photos - http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/browse/birds/parrots/
    Click on parrot and details says NO photos
    http://www.eanimalclassifieds.com/brows ... le-l2.html
    Only thing I remember about this listing is that I manually changed it to Gold Package. Other listings working fine now, but I don't want live people's listing to have the same problem so would like to know how it got messed up.


  10. #10
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: New Install and Have Some Questions

    Hello Christina,
    - Regarding "approval" status, you are right we will take it into account and make
    necessary changes in the next version.

    - Regarding listing count, we will test it locally and let you know about results.

    - Regarding "Make Main" button, each listing on your image has Crop icon and it means that you enabled "User Crop Interface" module, using this option all new pictures are not active unless owner crop them, also owner unable to select main photo as well.

    - Regarding text editor area which is gray for yo now, I need to know your browser and browser version to try reproduce this issue.

    - Regarding the listings plans, Featured plan is additional plan type and it appears on "Upgrade Listing" page only, so you can't see your additional featured plans on "add listing" page, if you need Direct Featured plans you should use Direct Featured plan type, such type plans appears on "add listing" page.

    >>Another thing, where do you set the max upload size for images?
    You should increase the following php option (do it through .htaccess or php.ini files):
    - post_max_size = 128MB
    - upload_max_filesize = 8MB
    - memory_size_limit = 128MB


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