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Thread: Software Installation Manual

  1. #1
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Software Installation Manual

    Greeting people!
    Actually Flynax Software installation is enough simple process, but I wish post the detailed instruction anyway.

    1. Go to www.flynax.com and download the script for your domain name, I will use www.domain.com as my license domain.
    You have FLABCD123456(http://www.domain.com)_X.X.zip archive on your PC after script downloading.

    2. You have to upload the script to your server now (use any FTP client), there are two ways to do that:
    • a. Upload whole archive (as single file) on the server and unzip it using Hosting Panel tools (files manager).
      b. Use this way if you have not files manager tools. Unzip the archive on your PC and upload all files to your server.
    3. You have Flynax uploaded to the server now.

    4. Open the browser and type your domain name in the address field, http://www.domain.com for me.

    5. Introduction step: Browser should redirect you to www.domain.com/install/index.php, click on "Install" button.
    6. License Agreement step: Click on "Accept >>" button if you are agree with Flynax Agreements.
    7. Requirements step: Your server should match the requirements listed on this page. I wish to accentuate your attention on four points on this page:
    • a. ZEND Optimizer, please contact your hosting support and ask them to install ZEND Optimizer for you if itn't installed yet.
      b. PHP register_globals, I strongly recommend you to disable this option, because it can issue the problems on the next steps of installation.
      There are many ways to disable register_globals manually, but I don't want to describe them all in this thread yet, I have found good explanation on drupal website:
      disable register_globals manual.
      c. Permissions section, all directories listed in this sections should be writable, you may change the directories attributes through your Hosting Panel or through FTP client.
      d. You should make admin directory writable if you wish to change the Admin Panel directory name, do not make it writable if www.domain.com/admin/ is suitable url for you.
      So click on "Next >>" button if it is active.
    8. Database settings step: You should create new database, username (related to your database) and password for Flynax script, use your Hosting Admin Panel to do it. Fill in all fields on current installation page using details of you new database. You may also use exist database, just specify some tables prefix to prevent overwriting of existing tables.
    9. Advanced settings step: Fill in all fields, I have just one notice: Admin directory name field is editable if you made the admin directory writable on step #7, now you are able to change the admin directory name to any other, for example: control_panel, so you will access admin panel using the following address: www.domain.com/control_panel/, BUT you should rename your current admin folder (on the server) to control_panel too, and edit /ROOT/admin/.htaccess file as well.
    Open it and edit replace: Rewritebase /admin/ with ReweiteBase /control_panel/.
    So click on "Next >>" button to start database and config files generations.
    10. Finish step: You should be on the last step if all gone correctly. You have to remove Install directory from the server now.
    Go to front end and try to follow some of link, it can be blank page if you installed the software to the sub-directory, in this case you should change RewriteBase for main directory, do the following:
    • a. Open the file: /ROOT/.htaccess
      b. Replace: RewriteBase / to RewriteBase /YOUR_SUB_DIRECTORY/
      b. Save changes
    That's all!
    I am looking for your question.

    Take care.
    Last edited by John; December 11, 2014 at 03:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Software Installation Manual

    Hey John,

    i just got done installing flynax auto, everything went smoothly, now none of the links work, other then home. am i supposed to create my own pages or did i do something wrong?

    2ndly i have a few how do i questions.

    how do you edit the menu itself? e.g change the tab names

    disable the search by body tab, the ones on home with the car models (wagon, truck, sedan etc etc)

    waiting to hear from you.

  3. #3

    Re: Software Installation Manual

    Hello Hasan,

    1. Reason of problem with links is probably that flynax installed in directory.
    For example if you have flynax installed in domain.com/dir/ try to add
    RewriteBase /dir/ in .htaccess file

    2. If you want to edit menu names you need to edit pages' names.

    Admin Panel >>Pages, remove/add menu items (add pages to menus) you also can make there

    3. manage blocks (disable body style in your case) you can do through Blocks manager in Admin Panel, just change status of body style to approval

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Software Installation Manual

    John im getting a white screen page on the home page but my admin is working

  5. #5

    Re: Software Installation Manual

    Hello Samuel,

    I know that your problem has been fixed with our chat operator

  6. #6

    Re: Software Installation Manual

    I have installed the flynax and now I am getting a white screen page on the home page but my admin is working. I have also made the changes for Rewritebase that you had suggested.

  7. #7

    Re: Software Installation Manual

    I have the same problem i installed it and the admin is working fine but the main site is blank and i am not in a sub folder thank you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Software Installation Manual

    Dear Customers,
    You have the problem with blank main page becouse a lot of ftp client programs crashed several files.
    If you see the blank main page after installation you should just connect our Live support managers and we will fix it during 5-10 min.

    Thank you.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    No data received: Unable to load the web page because the server sent no data.

    I was trying to install, and it shows me:
    No data received
    Unable to load the web page because the server sent no data.
    Here are some suggestions:
    Reload this web page later.
    Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.

  10. #10
    Flynax developer
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Would you please submit a ticket to our technical support and we will check and fix it ASAP.

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