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Thread: General Responsive template

  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaled Chammout View Post
    Phone Number appear rtl in general flatty rtl.
    Phone numbers should always be shown from ltr.
    Attachment 1025

    out of curiosity, in arabic language, the text read/write is from right to left? why this is not keept to all the fields/dropdowns? is like part of text is properly and part is reversed, from left to right.

  2. #122
    I'm also looking for the fix of this break tag countless time. I think this bug should be fixed for all users and take note to be fixed on all upcoming release version. Please keep me up to date regarding this bug fix. I also just submit a ticket and waiting for answer

  3. #123
    on nokia smartphones (symbian), the templates have several issues. please check them. for instance on nokia 5800, the button from the footer (page up), shows at the top of the page. olso, the currency login menu show in one vertical line, overlaping. there are others so check it as well since this is responsive and should work on any device.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Hi there, I will join your discussion next week, please keep posting your feedbacks, thanks!

    1 month has passed and no fix for the bugs. is anyone working on them or we are waiting in vain? thanks

  5. #125
    10 days and no reply...

    another bug, from the script. when you create a new listing, you upload images and you set the 3-rd image (for instance ) to be the first image. This 3-rd image will show properly when viewing grid/list as main image but, when you enter the details page, the order is not keept. the 3-rd image will show the 3-rd. Fix this as well please.

  6. #126
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Hi there,
    Petrache, I remember about all forum threads regarding responsive templates (it's in my TODO).
    I am busy now but will review all bug reports and update the template very soon, thanks.


  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Hi there,
    Petrache, I remember about all forum threads regarding responsive templates (it's in my TODO).
    I am busy now but will review all bug reports and update the template very soon, thanks.

    No ofense John, but i've heard this 1 month + ago. Month after month pass and we still don't have any responsive template at the level of previous templates (regarding bugs). But i assume you take pride in having at least 1 responsive template per each theme even if they are not ok.

  8. #128
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Petrache Nicolae View Post
    1. Attachment 989

    - please remove the -Select- from the category selection - we should see just the categories (if you remove it, we will lose as well the bug in wich we can click on select and the "Next" button turns green and we can move forward - when in reality we will be pushed back, in a loop)
    - in ie8, you have to increase the height of the scroll bar and move it to the right edge, same as in chrome/firefox
    We will not remove "- Select -" because these multiple selectors appear as default selectors in mobile and tablet views
    and "- Select -" it is native behavior for selectors. Anyway the bug ("Next" button) you mentioned.
    Also I checked the selectors in IE8 and they looks the same as in chrome, check screenshot.
    Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 5.00.00 PM.jpg

    Quote Originally Posted by Petrache Nicolae View Post
    2. Attachment 990

    we have now the proper filters for price (price-ascending + price -descending).
    please do the same thing for the Condition, meaning Condition (Used) + Condition (New) so that users whould know what the filter will do
    Thanks for the positive feedback, unusual to heard it from you
    Firstly I want to say that it isn't filter but it's listing sorting. We duplicated price and numeric fields and added ascending/descending option
    for them, the same logic isn't useful for text field and that is why we leaved it single.

    Quote Originally Posted by Petrache Nicolae View Post
    3. Attachment 991
    in ie8, the dropdwn bug is still confirmed. you have to press twice to have the dropdown expanded (instead of once as in chrome/firefox)

    Keep working on it


  9. #129
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Petrache Nicolae View Post

    we could have as well words Expand -when menu is collapsed and Collapse - when menu is expanded.
    or, we could have + sign
    I am aware that you may consider this a personal preference but try to see it from average pc user view
    You are partly right, some number of visitors may not consider what does these ... means, but this item has hand cursor which means
    that some action presents there and single click will let them know what does it mean.
    Anyway you always can change the ... to + sign for your website if you want. Do this:
    1. open file: /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/tpl/blocks/categories.tpl
    2. find line:
    PHP Code:
    Only registered members can view the code
    3. change ... to + sign.

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    We will not remove "- Select -" because these multiple selectors appear as default selectors in mobile and tablet views
    and "- Select -" it is native behavior for selectors. Anyway the bug ("Next" button) you mentioned.
    Also I checked the selectors in IE8 and they looks the same as in chrome, check screenshot.
    Attachment 1065

    Thanks for the positive feedback, unusual to heard it from you
    Firstly I want to say that it isn't filter but it's listing sorting. We duplicated price and numeric fields and added ascending/descending option
    for them, the same logic isn't useful for text field and that is why we leaved it single.


    Keep working on it

    ie8 carousel.jpgvertical scroll.jpgselect.jpg

    1. in ie8, the carousel is not showing - we have a huge gap till categories
    2. to me, on 3 different pc's, from 2 different locations (connections), the vertical scroll bar is not ok in ie8 - i've hit countless times ctrl+f5 so not a issue of cache. Olso, there is no zoom to the page in case it crossed your mind
    3.regarding select... when you look in pc mode, -Select- is useless becouse anyone knows how to use a menu. Anyway, different opinions, i will remove it myself. But, check how it looks when we are in tablet/phone mode. We see a dropdown bar with -Select- wich is fine, but, why on hell do we have another -Select- comming from categories block? We actualy have 2 -Select-, one on top of the other. Further, first -Select- is not positioned fine in ie8, and the whole block with categories is smaller than it should be (compared to firefox/chrome)

    Than the positive feedback should be even nicer since is so rare

    Regarding the Condition (Used) + Condition (New), another difference of opinion but, i will give it one more try.
    look at http://general.demoflynax.com/listin...&sort_type=asc
    We have in left side the Filters block (i know what they are and to me the sorting is just another filter). There you see New (7) + Used (2). Users can click on any and get the proper result. Now, on top of listings we have The sortings, and there we have Date wich is gone after the first selection, Price with 2 variants (+ or -) and Condition.
    Date should be Date: newer + Date: older and Condition should be Condition: used + Condition: new, like we see in the filters block. So, Data is gone when you use it (bug) and Condition doesn't sort anything - try it (another bug)

    You may consider this (Date: newer + Date: older and Condition: used + Condition: new) as a bug/incomplete feature or not, but take a look how it is on ebay for instance http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trks...at=0&_from=R40
    or on opencart http://demo.opencart.com/index.php?r...tegory&path=18
    I can provide countless examples that proves my point beside those 2. So, please do something to make it like any major script has it or remove this incomplete and buggy features. Thanks

    in ie8, the dropdwn bug is still confirmed. you have to press twice to have the dropdown expanded (instead of once as in chrome/firefox)
    This is not fixed. In ie8, smaller window size, like on tablet, you still have to click twice to actualy expand the dropdown menu.

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