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Thread: AlerPay Payment plugin configuration

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  1. #1
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Payza (AlertPay) Payment plugin configuration

    Hi Folks,
    The AlertPay has got a new name after rebranding and is called Payza. So, lets call it Payza then!

    To start configuring you should have the Payza plugins installed, do it through the Plugins Changelog in your Admin Panel or just
    download and upload the plugin entry to the plugins directory on your server and click install button in the Plugins Manager.

    Now configuring:
    1. go to and sign up for new account.
    2. confirm the registration and log into your Payza account.
    3. click My Payza Account green button at the top left side, then click IPN Advanced Integration link
    4. click on IPN setup on the next page
    5. insert your Transaction PIN (you should get it after account confirmation) and click Access button
    6. change the value for "IPN Status" option to "Enabled"
    7. scroll down to "IPN Security Code" option, save the Security Code below
    8. click "Update" at the very bottom of the page
    9. go to your Flynax Admin Panel >> Configurations >> Payment gateways and scroll down to "Payza payment gateway" settings section
    10. insert your "Payza account E-mail" and "Payza secure code" (we got it on the step #7)
    11. save changes

    Done! Now your Payza payment gateway is ready to generate a profit!

    Last edited by John; May 30, 2012 at 05:42 AM.