Hi @all,

after update to 4.8.0 the language changes automatically, depending on the cookie of the user.

4.7.2 ---> www.mydomain.com/ redirect to Default language english --> OK
4.7.2 ---> www.mydomain.com/de/ redirect to german language --> OK
4.7.2 ---> www.mydomain.com/gr/ redirect to greek language --> OK

4.8.0 ---> www.mydomain.com/ redirect to the last selectet User-Language from the Cookie
4.8.0 ---> www.mydomain.com/de/ redirect to the last selectet User-Language from the Cookie
4.8.0 ---> www.mydomain.com/gr/ redirect to the last selectet User-Language from the Cookie

This property also leads to errors in the plugin Massmailer / Newsletters.

www.mydomain.com/gr/newsletter/subscribe.html?.... ---> it does not work, redirect is wrong
www.mydomain.com/gr/newsletter/unsubscribe.html?... ---> it does not work, redirect is wrong

in /includes/classes/rlLang.class.php comment out:

// Redirect user to selected language earlier
if ($_COOKIE[$cookie_lang]
&& ($_COOKIE['userLangChoice'] && $_COOKIE['userLangChoice'] !== $language)
&& !defined('AJAX_FILE')
) {
Util::redirect($GLOBALS['reefless']->getPageUrl('home', '', $_COOKIE['userLangChoice']));

now works as before.

How do we get both to work?

Best regards