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Thread: fieldset_header template question...

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    fieldset_header template question...

    Hello Flynax Team,

    I am trying to achieve a horizontal layout for the car information (group) fieldset. I have tried using a display: inline-block on the submit-cell class in the fieldset_header tpl. Well, actually I added the <div class="submit-cell clearfix"> </div> to the fieldset_header template, and it did not change on the page, BUT using the chrome inspector, adding display: inline-block to the submit-cell class did in fact change it correctly. Am I adding in the wrong template to achieve a horizontal layout for the Car Information fieldset?

    See screenshots: 1 is using chrome inspector which adjusts to horizontal layout
    See screenshots: 2 is after making change in fieldset_header template which does not adjust.

    How can I make screen shot 2 horizontal? I mean I want to use the template. Here is how I have it set in the template:

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    Edit: Using the above {if} block, I don't get any change in layout, it stays as vertical instead of inline-grid (horizontal) BUT if I put <div> Fieldset_Header </div> in replace of the above <div> then I will get the text Fieldset_Header displayed on the page in the correct area, so I am certain that the code is correct, I just don't know why it is not working with <div class="submit-cell" style="display: inline-grid !important"> </div>

    Unless I need some code to go before the </div> ??
    Last edited by Brian Jester; October 14, 2019 at 03:27 PM.
    Thank you - Your Welcome