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Thread: Statistics...

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    Is there a way to display the website stats in a page vs. a content box? Example: I would like to create a link in my footer to see the stats on a page instead of having a content box. Although I could technically create a new page, and add the stats content box on that page, is there a direct (system) page I could use? I really don't want to try and style a new page just for a stats box. Maybe I am overlooking some other way to do this? Actually, I just thought of an idea that I think is do able, but I need some help getting it...Maybe I could put the stats on the category pages, but how can I put the stats for a particular category only, so if the stats box is on the for sale category, the stats would only show the stats for that category only and I could do that for each category or listing type.

    The Statistics content box shows:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    Can I create a new box, that would show specific data based on the above code? By specific, I mean can anything else be applied to the above code to customize the way that code shows data? Ex: Show only a specific category, or subcategories along those line, or is that unchangeable?

    Last edited by Brian Jester; March 11, 2018 at 03:48 PM.