Hello flynax community,

My name is Jon and I have a flynax site online since 2021. I am looking to get more engagement and find out from others that have been using flynax with success and also those with troubles as well to learn and share experiences. I don't know if it's allowed for others to share their sites or if some will view it as secret information. I have both positive and negative sentiments about the software itself and wish I had understood things better when I first started in this direction after failed attempts with other solutions (i.e. Wordpress or purchased JS scripts). I give lots of credit to the flynax solution being very specific and purpose built for classifieds software (very robust with many plugins too), but also feel it is very outdated. Why do I feel this way? ...perhaps it's hard to understand the concepts initially. Then there's the admin panel and while there is a lot of logic, it's not intuitive. Then on the frontend for visitors and users I think there's a lot to be desired from an aesthetic and user experience (UI/UX) perspective. And let's be honest, that first impression really is make or break.

My live site: BaseCamper.com

I would appreciate any feedback good or bad. What can/should I do next?

What is your site and what are your top Pros and Cons?

Are there any large scale sites out there using flynax wether mostly out-of-the-box or heavily customized? Why did they have to customize (for features or for looks?)
Is anyone building new custom software themselves to replace their flynax?

Lots of questions, just looking to spark some conversation. Looking forward to hearing from others!