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Thread: Default value for a listing field

  1. #1

    Default value for a listing field

    I have discovered that if you create a listing field - a "text type" field... then give it a 'default value'... then click edit to save it.... then if you go back to the field, because you don't want a default value any longer (because you've changed your mind), you can't save it again without having a default value. It wants to always have a default value. Why did I change my mind ?? because I thought it would be a nice idea to have some default text in each of the fields explaining what the user should type in those fields... I assumed the default text would appear like it does in the fields of the "Get More Details" form..... You start typing, and that text disappears. But no, the text remains and the user has to place their curser and delete the default text before they can type what they wanted to. So this is what happened..... I filled all my fields with default text, discovered that the user would have to manually delete the text and now I am faced with deleting my fields and creating new ones.......unless anyone knows how to delete the default text ??? With thanks James.

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    You can use this mysql command to remove the default text from listings:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    FIELD_KEY - the key of your text field

    default_text - the text to remove

  3. #3
    Thank you, best regards...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post

    You can use this mysql command to remove the default text from listings:

    Only registered members can view the code.
    FIELD_KEY - the key of your text field

    default_text - the text to remove
    Hello Rudi, I think you misunderstood his question.
    He tells about a bug in Admin Panel/Listing Fields.
    I didn't check, if the bug really exists or not.
    Also, he needs a "placeholder", if flynax can add it at next version in AP/Listing Fields (also Account Fields) section.

  5. #5
    Hello Bahram, I am not sure whether Rudi understood me or not, but my programmer is already looking at this with a placeholder - after I shared Rudi's response. Incidentally, you can try this on a flynax demo, enter some default text into a listing field, then change your mind - you don't want the default text - and you can't delete it. You can change it for different default text, but you can't remove it altogether. The only thing you can do, is to delete the field and create a new field. Thank you for your input. Regards James.

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