
The listing is on the page, but if go to details page there is error notice:
We're sorry but the page you're looking for doesn't exist.
You may have mistyped something or the page was removed; please check the URL and try again.



This listing is not on the admin panel but users see it. We as an administrator should be able to easily manage listings.
I checked in DB and compared this listing with others. Account_ID of this listing is -1, why?
It would be better if this type of listings were visible in the admin(with error mark) but not on the page. Because now there are several test listings added by myself, I'm able to find these errors, but if there are thousands of them, then we will not be able to cope with them, and site visitors will be upset and leave the site forever. And these listings will take up space in the database without making themselves felt.
And eventually we will lose users and have a polluted database.

How to fix?