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Thread: Need a menu on Homepage (rainbow)

  1. #1

    Need a menu on Homepage (rainbow)

    There are no menu on the rainbow theme on the homepage original.

    I have created my own menu for homepage but I want to add the menu without my fix.

    How are people suppose to browse thru listings without using the search function on the rainbow theme?

    I can add it but it doesn't look the the other pages.
    It's more compressed.
    Last edited by Peter Jonsson; April 1, 2022 at 07:35 AM.
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

  2. #2
    We already have the task and working on it. We will create a config for the main menu on home page.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  3. #3
    Awesome <3
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

  4. #4
    Hi. How do I add the categories menu on the hompage with general-rainbow template, same as Flynax demo page (https://classifieds.demoflynax.com/ => screenshot: https://paste.pics/H1MQ9). I can't find any options to do that. The menu is available on all other category pages, but not on the homepage. Do I have to edit the tpl file?
    I have downloaded the template and tried with a clean install, but there is no categories menu on the hompage.

    Best regards

  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Go to templates > general_rainbow > header.tpl

    replace below:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    Only registered members can view the code.

    then go to css > style.css > find body.home-page header.page-header div.top-navigation > remove the properties inside

    also find below body.home-page header.page-header div.top-navigation > div and do the same

  6. #6
    Thanks Rudi.

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