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Thread: Seller review plugin improvement

  1. #1

    Seller review plugin improvement


    I have just tried the sellers review plugin. I realised a single user can post infinite reviews to a seller. Probably it would make sense to limit the reviews to 1 per user. Or maybe give the option to choose in admin panel.

    Otherwise, angry users might abuse and flood with dozens of bad reviews for a single seller to make rating go down.

    Also the comments probably should check agains bad words filter (if the plugin is installed)
    Last edited by daniel7; May 15, 2022 at 02:14 PM.

  2. #2
    That is correct, that and then. I really need this plugin as well, but as it early development it still lacks a few important functions. Filter and sorting for example. We can look at other review websites and see all of them have sorting and filter, also seller response to review too. Just a quick comment. I believe once seller plugins have those common functions, more Flynax customer will buy it, including me.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Hello guys,

    We'll take into account your suggestions about the plugin improvements for the future releases


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post
    Hello guys,

    We'll take into account your suggestions about the plugin improvements for the future releases

    Cool, I will be happy to test it out for appealing function and bug test

  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    Planet Earth
    Also, can you clarify what kind of filters and sorting should be in the plugin?

    Where they should be applied: on ratings or accounts?

  6. #6
    Yes Rudi,

    Check screenshot here:
    Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 1.15.03 PM.png

    Where sorting and filter should be:

    * SORTING:
    - Newest reviews
    - High rating first
    - Low rating first
    - Seller responded

    5 stars review
    4 stars review
    3 stars review
    2 stars review
    1 star review
    * They can also click on the star rating here to apply filter. For example click on the 1 star and it automatically filtered and only show 1 star reviews
    Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 1.20.25 PM.png

    * ABILITY:
    Ability for seller to response to rating.
    Ability for user to change rating and comment.
    * Because after seller respond, user might feel better or worse, and can change their rating and comment.

    * EMAIL:
    Email notification to user and seller when:
    - New rating
    - Seller response to rating

    * LIMIT USER TO LEAVE 1 RATING ONLY. This is important, to prevent some spamming users. If user A is not happy, he can keep leaving 1 star review hundreds time, over and over, this is not good.
    Although even with 1 rating per user limit, some crazy dudes still spend hours to create new account to leave bad review for users.
    So I came up with this solution: Only user that registered in the past 7 days can leave review. This feature can wait thought, limit 1 rating per user is most needed.

    These are some basics came to my mind, please comment to make it better.
    Right now it just like a comment section with the stars.
    If those functions above available I will buy plugin right away.
    Last edited by Wei Hong; May 17, 2022 at 06:54 AM.

  7. #7
    Flynax developer John's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Hello Wei Hong and thank you for the feedback.
    In the next plugin update we will add the following features:

    - EMAIL (Email notification to user and seller when: New rating) - This option is already exists in the initial plugin release

    Other features will be added as new task for the further plugin updates.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Hello Wei Hong and thank you for the feedback.
    In the next plugin update we will add the following features:

    - EMAIL (Email notification to user and seller when: New rating) - This option is already exists in the initial plugin release

    Other features will be added as new task for the further plugin updates.

    Hi John,

    Thank you for listening to our recommendation. I can't wait for the improvement.

  9. #9
    Thanks Wei for adding ideas.

    Thanks to the devs for taking note

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by daniel7 View Post
    Thanks Wei for adding ideas.

    Thanks to the devs for taking note
    No problem Daniel, I'm interested in this particular plugin as well so!

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