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Thread: Content box for Auction plugin and more

  1. #1

    Content box for Auction plugin and more

    How can I show all the auction listing in content box?

    Where are the timers on the listings grid? How do people know it's an auction without going into the actual listing?
    I want to have both standard listing and auctions on my site but I want to be able to see the difference between the listings on the grid.
    The auction should have a timer and how many bids on the listing grid or something like that.

    Why do I have to have a buy out price? It's an auction, should be able to not have a buy out price.

    Feels like this plugin misses a lot of functions to be able to make a good auction site.
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    They have reworked the plugin not long ago.
    We have asked for these functions, but it was not implemented.
    I guess its not possible to do.

  3. #3
    Of course it's possible to do. I have seen several scripts with these functions.
    Atleast we should have a text on the listings image saying it's an auction. But also a timer

    But the missing content box for auctions annoys me the most.

    I just saw a little blue button on the listing that shows it's a auction
    Hard to see but at least I know it's there
    Last edited by Peter Jonsson; June 13, 2022 at 07:42 PM.
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    In your case using the rainbow theme, you can show an icon on the listing that tells its an auction listing.
    Think i saw it on the demo.
    But i agree, a nice timer on the thmbnail listing is the way to go.

    There are some nice timer scripts out there wich they can use.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kiowa View Post
    In your case using the rainbow theme, you can show an icon on the listing that tells its an auction listing.
    Think i saw it on the demo.
    But i agree, a nice timer on the thmbnail listing is the way to go.

    There are some nice timer scripts out there wich they can use.
    Yes I saw it I missed that icon completely

    Same with the price, if it's an auction, why being forced to use a buyout price.
    The price should update based on the starting bid and the bids after that.

    Force people to have a buyout price takes away the auction function :/
    Classifieds Site: Annonssida
    Other Site: SEO

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