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Thread: Too many redirect error with UTF-8 characters in listing title

  1. #1

    Too many redirect error with UTF-8 characters in listing title


    Flynax Demo site
    Admin Panel:
    AP>Basic settings>General
    URL Transliteration -> disabled

    User Interface:
    Login as "dealer"
    My Listings -> Edit a listing like


    Change listing title to an UTF8 text like: تست and save
    New listing address is : https://classifieds.demoflynax.com/motors/mini/cooper/تست-25.html
    Everything seems OK
    Go to https://classifieds.demoflynax.com/motors/mini/cooper/mini-cooper-s-25.html
    It shows:

    This page isn't working
    classifieds.demoflynax.com redirects you too many times
    Try clearing your cookie

    The problem is solved, If clear cookie by pressing CTRL+F5 key
    It seems there is something wrong with upup.sw.min.js file as a service worker from PWA plugin
    Last edited by Bahram Soltanirad; January 8, 2022 at 07:15 AM.

  2. #2
    It only happens with Chrome and windows 7
    I Posted a report to chromium bug report.
    Last edited by Bahram Soltanirad; December 29, 2021 at 06:42 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Bahram Soltanirad View Post
    It only happens with Chrome and windows 7
    I Posted a report to chromium bug report.
    Finally, they accepted , it is a bug. Below comments are from a chromium developer.

    The fact this is treated like a redirect loop seems likely a Chrome bug.
    Since there are multiple requests when gather a net-export log, instead of one request, it's likely a navigation stack issue, not a network stack issue.

    Able to reproduce the issue on reported chrome #96.0.4664.110 using Mac 11.6.1, Linux Debian and windows 10 by following steps as per C#0 & C#11. URL works first time. For subsequent run it displays "This page isn’t working". If cookies are cleared on second run, its WAI.

    Reproducible In

    Canary: 99.0.4797.0
    Dev: 98.0.4758.10
    Beta: 97.0.4692.71
    Stable: 96.0.4664.110
    Looks like the response is a redirect with must-revalidate (it make no sense to revalidate a redirect), a chunked encoded body (also weird, for a redirect). It's also being loaded as an "other" request type, instead of as a main frame, which seems likely wrong for a navigation request, unless perhaps a service worker is involved.
    It is a few days, i am waiting for a solution or response, but nothing at this moment.
    Last edited by Bahram Soltanirad; January 8, 2022 at 07:34 AM.

  4. #4
    After 30 days challenge with 6 chrome developers, finally i found cause of the problem and luckily a solution.
    The problem is a conflict between any service workers and unicode characters in location header.
    Unicode characters in location header is a RFC3986 violation and some browsers do a magic redirection loop.
    The solution is in function str2path in rlValid.class.php
    just after
    Only registered members can view the code.
    add this line
    Only registered members can view the code.
    It encodes url before sending it to the browser
    By the way, the chrome bug still exist and i am following it with chromium project members.
    But i recommend above correction to flynax team.

    EDIT: str2path function uses in other places like image names, username,... so it is better to not change above code and only change listing url in reefless.class.php

    Only registered members can view the code.
    change to:
    Only registered members can view the code.
    Flynax should confirm
    Last edited by Bahram Soltanirad; January 25, 2022 at 10:55 AM.

  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Hello Bahram,

    Thank you for your effort

    but I couldn't reproduce the same on my local site, it redirects properly from تست-25.html to mini-cooper-s-25.html

  6. #6
    Thank you Rudi.
    No, it should be vice versa.
    Redirct from mini-cooper-s-25.html to 25-تست.htm
    Target URL should contain unicode.
    SW should be enabled too. Also chrome browser.
    Last edited by Bahram Soltanirad; January 28, 2022 at 12:12 PM.

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