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Thread: Header Navigation...

  1. #1

    Header Navigation...


    I am wondering, what would be the better way to go about this, I want to add the same navigation from my homepage to another page on my site, but I don't want the same links, in fact most will be different, but instead of installing the same menu into another path on the same server, should I just copy over the original navigation menu and change it in the new location, or should I just install the navigation menu into the new location? It's a jQuery navigation menu. The menu in itself is not going to have nearly as many links as the one on the main page, so I was thinking to not complicate things, to just install it into that page from scratch since it won't be much, but I thought I would get your opinions on this.

    Last edited by Brian Jester; May 17, 2021 at 04:04 PM.
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  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    You can copy the existing code in main_menu.tpl and place it like this in the same file:

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  3. #3

    Will your code work if it's outside of the path of the Flynax script? It's a link manager script, I didn't try to add it to one of the Flynax pages, I think I will do that now to see what happens, but my guess is that I am going to keep the link manager script outside of the Flynax installation path, unless putting it into a Flynax page goes flawless.


    Quote Originally Posted by Rudi View Post

    You can copy the existing code in main_menu.tpl and place it like this in the same file:

    Only registered members can view the code.
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  4. #4

    Is there a way to load the link manager into a Flynax page? Another words, could I use a load the php script into the page so that I don't have to piece it together, ex: copy each function of the script and paste it into the page?

    This is the whole script, not just the menu, but i know I went ahead just to see if I could load the entire link manager into a Flynax page, that way I wouldn't have to create the menu, I would just use the footer of the main site to access the link manager script.

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  5. #5
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    It's not clear how need to manage menu links

    but I think it will require a customization

  6. #6
    Update: I have decided to make a new menu (install to new path) since it wasn't going to be as customized as the first was and only a couple of links will be added to it, no drop downs or anything like that.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  7. #7
    Best way is to gut main_menu.tpl from <ul> to </ul> and stick your menu in there. Works just fine. I just did mine. (Hey! That rhymes!) Be sure to backup the original main_menu.tpl in case you don't like it. Do something similar for the footer menu.

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