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Thread: Individual Seller Page Issue...

  1. #1

    Individual Seller Page Issue...


    When I am inside the ap -> accounts -> my admin account page I have a url like: https://www.worldclassads.com/classi...administrator/ but when I click on that link it doesn't show any listings, but I did have a few incomplete listings, they didn't show on that page, but on the my account link: https://www.worldclassads.com/classifieds/my-ads.html is where I see the listings. Why don't they show on the administrator page, is that because they are incomplete?
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  2. #2
    A video would allow others to troubleshoot or resolve your issue quickly.
    By your text above; your issue sounds complicated.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

  4. #4
    I will have to get more listings to show this, it's not too important right now, but since I found out about it yesterday, I thought I would post, but it's not too important yet.
    Thank you - Your Welcome

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