Hi Guys,

Let me explain better, hopefully this will tie it up...

I would like to use the category structure over the fields in the case of the employment listing type...Why? Because I am trying to charge for Help Wanted category, BUT NOT CHARGE for Help Offered Category. I believe in Flynax, you can only charge per category vs. by the field. There is no built functionality to charge if the radio button was clicked (assuming, I clicked Help Wanted radio button, or choose from select menu). What would be the best way to do this? Remember, if using the category structure, there will be a Help Wanted and Help Offered category, then inside of each of those will be the sub-categories. but at this point I only know of one way to accomplish this, and that is to create the same sub-categories for the Help Wanted as Help Offered. Is this what I should do, or is there a better way to accomplish this task?