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Thread: Banner Boxes...

  1. #1

    Banner Boxes...


    Two questions regarding the banners plugin (specifically Banner Boxes)

    1. Can someone tell me where the Banner Between Categories gets displayed? I am sure it's not as obvious as one may think, but maybe I am wrong?
    2. Can someone tell me where the Banner In Grid gets displayed? I *think* a reply came to me from Rudi on this, but I still was sure about his answer because I might have made the message confusing.

    I just need to know where those two sides gets displayed on the front-end of the website, because I am not sure of the size banners I will allow for those two zones.

    Thanks again!
    Thank you - Your Welcome

  2. #2
    1. Don't know about this but haven't seen it since general wide.
    2. Banner in grid display in listing list.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    1. It appears in the additional category box via listing type settings > Additional Category Box > your page

    You need to enable at least two category boxes in the same position to see the banner

    Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 9.09.40 AM.png

    also, apply this fix for banners between categories:

    go to plugins > banners > rlBanners.class.php > public function getBanners

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