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Thread: What is the form that is displayed on the listing page?

  1. #1

    What is the form that is displayed on the listing page?


    I am trying to figure out (once again) the form dislayed after a listing has been posted. The preview.html page, how can I edit the fields / groups on that page? I have the contact information and location information on that page which is good, but I want to add some more fields to that form but I don't know what form I should be working on. I am looking for the form in the community listing type where I just posted another ad, and all the other forms don't have just those two groups (contact information and location information) so I might just be over looking it but I want to be sure before I change anything.

    Thank you - Your Welcome

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Brian, you need to select to edit categories and then select build forms. You can select to have a master category for each listing type if you want, if that is set then choose the master category to make your change.
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