Adult Categories
Define some categories as with adult content and require agreeing over a disclaimer page.

Auto Renew
Auto renew expired listings after a number of days.

Auto Repost Ads
Paid feature to allow users to push their listings to the top of the search list a number of times at a specific interval.

Default ads images for categories
This module allows you to configure different images to display when the listing has no photos for different categories. For example display an image containing a car for auto ads, a building for real estate ads and so on.

Mailchimp auto subscribe
Add a new subscription to Mailchimp every time a user registers or a contact form is filled.

Price drop alert
Allow visitors to receive notifications when the price of a listing drops.

Promote listings
Send notifications to owners for listing that don't receive more than a number of visits in a period of time about how they can make their listings more visible.

Paid feature which allows users to make a selection of listings which will appear on their user page or dealer page in a special box above all listings.

Suspend user
Allows the administrator to suspend a user for a number of days. After the selected number of days, the user account will automatically reactivate.