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Thread: Booking Plugin: rental period based on days, not nights

  1. #1

    Booking Plugin: rental period based on days, not nights

    Hello all together!

    I'm going to offer some special-tools for rent on my site.
    Now with the current configuration of the booking plugin, the rental period (and so the total price) is calculated based on nights - as certainly standard for accomodation providers.

    But as tools are used in a different way than bedrooms (well... in most cases ), I would need the rental period stated in days (see screenshot).


    Shouldn't be to much difficult, I guess?

    So if anyone has a code for me, I'd be very happy.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    I think nobody can help you here and will be better to create a new ticket with the request.
    Flynax technical department,
    Best wishes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Has this been done by flynax?

    I want to rent out boats, but cannot select hours in a day or just 1 day, Most ppl renting boats rent for min 2 to 8 hours in a day or 1 day at most.

    also when i create a new rate at per hour the system calculates the total in min 2 days. Can you make it select hours in a day?

    What your thoughs flynax?

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