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Thread: Admin - Default location for search in map page not auto suggesting after update 4.8

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Australia mate.

    Admin - Default location for search in map page not auto suggesting after update 4.8

    I mentioned this a little while ago in relation to a related issue at the following thread but giving it its own thread now to hopefully help with troubleshooting https://forum.flynax.com/showthread....ll=1#post28402

    After updating from 4.7.2 to 4.8 I have an issue with my site where the Default map location box in the admin is not showing suggested locations in a dropdown menu after starting to type a location. Is anyone else seeing this issue after using 4.8 updater? I have included an image of the admin area I am referring to but the same problem also exists with basic settings/Location Finder/Search Settings/Default Location.

    I am wondering how this might have occurred during the update and it's possible that there is an updater problem in relation to either of these two aspects of my site:

    1) When I first set up 4.7.2 I originally gave my admin page a uniquely named folder instead of the usual mysitename.com/admin . However before I performed the update to 4.8 I first changed the admin folder name to mysitename.com/admin as suggested. Could this be related to the problem?

    2) At no time has my site ever had a google api key or google server key. I am wondering if the 4.8 updater somehow incorrectly expected either or both of these keys to be already set up prior to update and the fact that they were missing is an unexpected event during the update and not taken into consideration? I realise that Google keys are no longer required in 4.8 but is it possible that the updater was looking for fields/data that didnt exist?


  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    Create a ticket regarding this problem and we'll apply a temporary solution to your script

    or send me your ftp details to my PM

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Australia mate.
    Thanks Rudi, I'll send you FTP details over the next few days.

    I have discovered a possible issue with my update that I had forgotten as it was a few months ago now when I did it.

    Just prior to when I performed the 4.8 update I recall now that I first tried to revert my custom admin folder name back to "admin" as suggested but whilst I was able to change the folder name via FTP, I was then unable to access my admin via mysitename.com/admin . I have since realised this is because I did not take the extra step to redefine the admin path in includes > config.inc.php

    I had not yet performed the update at that stage, but at the time I thought I would get around this issue by editing the 4.8 updater zip file in 7Zip on my windows PC and simply changing the folder name of the "admin" within that zip to be "mycustomadmin" name instead, one that matched the existing admin folder name on my server.

    The updater zip was never unzipped on my PC, I simply edited the folder name. However something weird happened with the file creation or file modified dates of the files and folders within that edited admin folder as they all seemed to be then be marked as file modified dates of 1980-01-01. When I uploaded the update zip to my server and unzipped it there, the file modified dates carried over as that same incorrect date.

    Additionally the following files seemed to unzip on the server with a file modified date of 1979-12-31:
    sql_update.sql files

    Unsure why 7Zip caused this file date issue or if it is likely to have any bearing on the issue in this thread?

    I think I may first try to do another update to 4.8 by downloading the unedited updater zip again, and this time change the admin folder name on the server instead as I know how to do that correctly now.

    Sorry that this post is likely a little confusing, but hopefully you understand enough. Could these "ancient" file dates be causing an issue?

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