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Thread: update script of flynax reality

  1. #1

    update script of flynax reality

    how to update script ??
    i have 4.7.0
    can i update to 4.7.2 directly or i have to do it to 4.7.1 then 4.7.2
    is there some guide to update the script for a website which has data and is up and running or does the flynax developer do this job on our behalf ??
    kindly guide

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Australia mate.
    I'm not entirely sure on the update process myself as haven't done it as yet, but keep in mind that V4.8 has just been released so it may be worth waiting a little while for the updater for that version to also be released first (not sure how far away that will be but hopefully very soon).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    https://forum.flynax.com/showthread....pgrade+version < you can choose to it your self, not sure how accurate this guide is, or you can get flynax to do the upgrade for you but it will cost you to get them to do it, for that you would need to create a ticket and get a quote. as mentioned above, you may as well upgrade to the latest version if your going to pay.
    Getting Started or Starting Over with Your Classified Site? then Get Ready Set Fly V 4.7.1 > quietSecrets.net

  4. #4
    You have to update version per version. Which mean from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 then to 4.7.2. You can't do from 4.7.0 to 4.7.2

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    i see the update patch for v 4.8.0 is available for download, i wan to upload the patch.
    I have spent many hours on my site to get it where it is and also have some payed listings on there, has anyone succesfully ran the patch update?
    Is there something i should know before doing this? beside the obvious to first make full backups and database backups.


  6. #6
    if you have modification either by yourself or by flynax paid services. You should note them all down and redo it if needed. Some patch files will completely rewrite the file that you have the modification.
    Of course make a full backup before update incase things went south, you can reserve it back.

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