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Thread: Bug with deleting some of location

  1. #1

    Bug with deleting some of location


    I tried several times, when i delete the location "Moscow" with a key countries_russia_moscow from the location list of country Russia another location, the location "Moscow Oblast" with a key countries_russia_moscow_oblast is automatically deleted too. I checked may be they have the same Key, but the Keys are different: countries_russia_moscow
    and countries_russia_moscow_oblast.

    It is important to find out the cause and fix this error, because this can happen with other locations too.

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    The fact is that the countries_russia_moscow_oblast key is considered by the plugin as a child of countries_russia_moscow which is correct

    because it goes after the parent key "moscow" so it will remove all items under this parent key

    if you need to create a new parent item you need to go to "Russia" entry in multi-field plugin (using 'Manage' button) and click "Add a New Item"

    and it will create an item with correct key path

    if you have other questions regarding this plugin you'd better create a ticket

  3. #3
    This is not right, Rudy.
    First, why they are at the same list?
    If the location "Moscow Oblast" is a child of the location "Moscow" then the first should be on the list of the second's as a child, secondly should be the opposite, “Moscow” should be a child of "Moscow Oblast", which I try to do. Moscow is located in Moscow Oblast.

  4. #4
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    I've checked and the problem is that "Moscow Oblast" has initially incorrect key in our location database

    I'll create a task regarding this issue and it will be fixed later

    in the meantime, you need to create a new item of "Moscow Oblast" with unique key and recreate its sub-locations

    sorry for the inconveniences!

  5. #5
    Thank you Rudi!

  6. #6
    DB table fl_geo_mapping has Lat, Lng colums
    should i add these values too???
    That will be a hard work.
    Can i to fix this issue in other way?

  7. #7
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
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    No, it's related to 'Location Finder' plugin which has its own database

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