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Thread: geo location plugin some options not available

  1. #1

    geo location plugin some options not available

    Hello Flynax,

    Kindly match flynax.xom url and my site url. I have attached images too for reference. Flynax site is getting users current location and showing in url. But my site michni.com is not picking users current location in url.

    michni url.jpg flynax url.jpg

    I have checked and installed a all plugins regarding location like geo filter, Ip geo location and location finder.

    Some options on michni admin panel fields are not available in geo filter location but are available in flynax real estate demo site template. I am attaching those images /differences for further references. Why those options are not available in my site admin panel.

    flynax admin panel.jpgmichni admin panel.jpg

  2. #2
    Hello Everyone,

    I am still waiting for reply.

  3. #3
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth

    The reason is that your plugin version is not up to date

    the latest plugin update (2.0.2) supports script 4.7.1 and later: https://www.flynax.com/plugins/locat...html#changelog

    and yours is 4.7.0

    you need to update your script at least to 4.7.1

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