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Thread: Issue with SMS activation

  1. #1

    Issue with SMS activation


    There is an issue with SMS activation when I translate the "Your account verification codes is {code}." to arabic the sms recieved as unclear text character if I keep it in english it the SMS message I recieve is "Your+account+verfictaion+code+is444"..

    Could you please help me to fix this issue. However, I communicated with clickatell and they response is as follows:


    Good Day,

    Thank you for contacting Clickatell regarding your unclear text issue.

    Kindly advise how you are submitting your message? If you are sending the messages in Arabic it should translate automatically to Unicode.
    Are you perhaps sending in Unicode? If so, please refrain from doing that and just send in the normal Arabic language.

    Kindly re-test and confirm if you were successful.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Kind Regards
    Keanan Haupt

  2. #2
    Flynax developer Rudi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Planet Earth
    Hello Mohammed,

    You already have a ticket regarding this issue

    and you'll get a reply as soon as the developer makes himself available

    and he will investigate it

    please, wait

  3. #3
    Thank you.


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