Hello Guys,

I figured out something incredible...

One huge mistake I was making with the forms, was as simple as it gets and this message should be read at least once by everyone on this forum (minus the admins / developers )

The reason I was having issues with the category forms in terms of not seeing the form fields on the page ( Admin Panel -> Listings -> Edit -> Build Listing Form )

I was adding the form field(s), and then going to view it...Sounds somewhat logical right? I was forgetting to 'enable it' not to be confused with (active or inactive setting) here is what I mean...For example the condition field requires you to click into the radio button dot for new or used, and I was not doing that (therefore, it was not showing new or used on the page). now I am getting the fields on the page, instead of adding the actual smarty template code into the listing.tpl file and running into other issues. So I am back to normal, and as crazy as it seems, i even went as far as restoring the default listing.tpl file from the flynax download. But maybe all this is telling me is to slow down, take a deep breath, and relax...Things will be fine.